Rattling around in my bean this morning:
It’s not easy being Green.
Green Party that is. I’m not enrolled in any party though. Why not?
Eh, I can’t/won’t commit to any one group of people. I’m totes down with both the Democratic and Green Party platforms. Of course I am!
Still, there are are words and then there are actions.
Also too, Groucho comes to mind:
Who I am now is the result of childhood neglect – motherly disdain that continued until the day I married The Amazing Bob (marriage instantly transformed me into a successful, complete and understandable woman, don'cha know). Who I am now is the result of my brother’s oppressive narcissism, violence and abuse. Who I am is the result of years of bullying from tiny brained schoolmates and teachers. Who I am now is ALSO the result of my father’s support and encouragement.
Who would I be had I a happy, stable, loving childhood? Would my humor be less acerbic? Would I be such a cynic, so distrustful? Would I so easily DQ people who wound or just severely piss me off ? Would I instead be a happy-go-lucky Pollyanna with a penchant for pink frilly smocks //shudder//, high heels //double plus shudder// and Cosmopolitans //oh, c’mon – Cosmos are tasty, especially with a fat lime wedge!//?
//shrugs// Who knows but it’s amusing to imagine,
Too hot to think yesterday so I went over to Twitter Land.
Josh Marshall making sense, as uszh, on Prez Hairball's decision to Make Asbestos Great Again.
Tbogg wondered if Hannity's hiding a jizz stained blue suit coat (EWWWWWWWWW!) in his closet since, ya know, that's been an impeachment catalyst in the past.
Sara Schaefe brings the sterling hard snark:
Morgan Jerkins, responding to someone who’s just found out that Alex Jones is only 44 years of age (I KNOW! I figured him for 60 and a hard-lived-put-up-wet 60 at that).
Brock Turner, the spoiled, white, convicted sex assaulter who’s abysmally unclear on the concept, lost his appeal for a new trial..
His reptilian mouthpiece
Boy Wonder served just three months of his obscenely paltry six month sentence. He’s outta the slammer now BUT has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Given his father’s support (and insistence that the sentence was “a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action,”), connections and bucks, I doubt the sex offender label’s gonna hurt him all that much.
The spoiled, entitlement rocking schmeckle got off disgustingly easy.
And what's all this about Aqua Buddha delivering a love letter from Trump to Putin?
I'm taking the rest of the day off from the news. The heat's broken and it's safe to leave the shoreline. I'm headed to Book Mecca – Harvard Square. Also too ice cream!!!
It’s not easy being Green.
Green Party that is. I’m not enrolled in any party though. Why not?
Eh, I can’t/won’t commit to any one group of people. I’m totes down with both the Democratic and Green Party platforms. Of course I am!
Still, there are are words and then there are actions.
Also too, Groucho comes to mind:
I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member

Who I am now is the result of childhood neglect – motherly disdain that continued until the day I married The Amazing Bob (marriage instantly transformed me into a successful, complete and understandable woman, don'cha know). Who I am now is the result of my brother’s oppressive narcissism, violence and abuse. Who I am is the result of years of bullying from tiny brained schoolmates and teachers. Who I am now is ALSO the result of my father’s support and encouragement.
Who would I be had I a happy, stable, loving childhood? Would my humor be less acerbic? Would I be such a cynic, so distrustful? Would I so easily DQ people who wound or just severely piss me off ? Would I instead be a happy-go-lucky Pollyanna with a penchant for pink frilly smocks //shudder//, high heels //double plus shudder// and Cosmopolitans //oh, c’mon – Cosmos are tasty, especially with a fat lime wedge!//?
//shrugs// Who knows but it’s amusing to imagine,
Too hot to think yesterday so I went over to Twitter Land.
Josh Marshall making sense, as uszh, on Prez Hairball's decision to Make Asbestos Great Again.
Given the liability history and how many companies went under from Asbestos litigation (rightly) it's almost hard for me to believe any companies **want** to make any asbestos products.~~~
Tbogg wondered if Hannity's hiding a jizz stained blue suit coat (EWWWWWWWWW!) in his closet since, ya know, that's been an impeachment catalyst in the past.
Sara Schaefe brings the sterling hard snark:
@jack has a point. Twitter does naturally fact check itself. As a woman on here, I have a team of about 40,000 fact checkers ready to let me know if I ever make a logical fallacy or grammar mistake or have a wrong opinion or look ugly or am feeling myself too much! It just WORKS~~~
Morgan Jerkins, responding to someone who’s just found out that Alex Jones is only 44 years of age (I KNOW! I figured him for 60 and a hard-lived-put-up-wet 60 at that).
I told y'all. He looks like an undercooked meatball.At best.
Brock Turner, the spoiled, white, convicted sex assaulter who’s abysmally unclear on the concept, lost his appeal for a new trial..
His reptilian mouthpiece
… argued that because Turner was clothed and hadn’t penetrated the woman with his genitals, that no intent to rape occurred, and described it as “sexual outercourse.” (source)Yeah, the unconscious vic TOTALLY consented to outercourse in the romantic shade of an alley dumpster. Sure!
Boy Wonder served just three months of his obscenely paltry six month sentence. He’s outta the slammer now BUT has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Given his father’s support (and insistence that the sentence was “a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action,”), connections and bucks, I doubt the sex offender label’s gonna hurt him all that much.
The spoiled, entitlement rocking schmeckle got off disgustingly easy.
And what's all this about Aqua Buddha delivering a love letter from Trump to Putin?
I'm taking the rest of the day off from the news. The heat's broken and it's safe to leave the shoreline. I'm headed to Book Mecca – Harvard Square. Also too ice cream!!!
Yeah... once you get ballot access, the interesting folks come out of the woodwork to avail themselves of it. The Greens had the same thing happen here when I was with them, and the thing is, there are so few people who are active in the party that we often could not run someone against the weirdo - or refuse their nomination at a precinct convention - to stop them.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of the democrats and I wish there was a viable alternative to it. I gave the Greens 18 years and, well, they're not it.
It was disheartening to me when I learned I am almost a year older than Alex Jones. How has seen so many goblins and gay frogs in his short time on this Earth yet I haven't?
Re: goblins and gay frogs – guess he's either a lucky ducky OR he's smokin' some serious shit OR he's a carnie grifter who struck gold. Oh wait – that was my first point. Nevermind.
DeleteWhile I like a lot of folks within the Democratic Party (Kamala Harris, Jeff Merkley, Joe Kennedy, Cory Booker, Kristin Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, etc), the Party apparatus rankles.