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Friday, February 8, 2019

In space no one can hear you get sappy

In space no one can hear you scream.
Dunno why but, lately, I’ve been in an Alien frame of mind.

I refused to see the first one when it first came out. It’d be WAY too scary and gross for me. Nuh-huh, NOT gonna see it. And then what happened? Then I was visiting the great and gone all too soon Kevin Scott and he talk/challenged me into it. I swear, it just amused the shit outta him to watch me do sit ups during all the OH MY GOD, WHAT’S ABOUT TO HAPPEN?!?! scenes. You know, like the one where the facehugger scary alien first shows, gloms onto John Hurt’s face (Mega Cleithrophobia City!), plants its larva and then later, at lunch of course, the now ready-to-bloom, beastie bursts bloodily out of his chest. Yeah, I could have abs of steel if I watched that movie every day.

Or not. Over the so damn many years and fresh series installments I’ve become…what? Inurred? That and I started to see things from the Alien POV. Yup, I have.

They’re just trying to survive and thrive. We warmongering human types, with our warm and squishy guts that make perfect incubators, wanna enslave them, use them as weapons. Assholes! Sure, not all of us but, we’re not a live-and-let-live race by any means.

Basically the aliens are defending themselves and, just because they look WAY different – kinda hideous in fact – doesn’t mean they should be under our belligerent and bloodthirsty thumbs. Ya know?

Then Alien Resurrection came out. (which Hillel indulgently joined me in viewing the other night) Joss Wedon wrote it so there’s a definite humor element within all the horror – ya know, just like real life. That and the grey areas, the unknowns, have been upped. Again, like life!

At the end of Alien 3, Ripley and the infant Alien Queen do a back flip into a vast pool of ouch-this-is-gonna-hurt, fiery, molten lead. They die BUT she and her bairn are, centuries later, brought back to life – they’ve been cloned. Here’s the deal though, Ripley and the queen's DNA are now commingled. Ripley’s a little bit Alien now (and vice versa)  and her POV has shifted.

Empathy happens and nothing is easy. HEY, just like real life again…sorta.

Like most people, I LOVE the basketball scene where she totally pwns Johner, Ron Perlman’s character. But, maybe more, the scene where Call, Winona Ryder, can no longer hide that she’s a more-human-than-human robot. She and Ripley bond and, ultimately, save the day.

The mega sad part comes when the ship’s nearing Earth. Ripley’s just-born grandchild (the queen mum died in childbirth and, like a baby duck, the xenomorphling has imprinted on the next closest being) has to be offed and it’s heartbreaking. Baby Alien just wants to be loved. He/she had a human-ISH face and sad puppy eyes.

I’m a sucker for an underdog.

So, in a fit of mondo escapism, I believe I’m gonna, now, binge watch the entire series. Resurrection is, however, my favorite and yes I'm gonna watch it again.


  1. How'd the binge-watching go?

    Alien Resurrection is the kind of thing that only happens when you put a guy like Jeunet in charge of making a horror movie, something no sane person would have done, but the result was awesome. I'm not surprised that the mainstream audiences here, with their clomping Anglo-Saxon literal-mindedness, didn't "get it" (it did pretty well overseas, though).

    The Ripley-Call thing seemed to have more going on than just "bonding", but maybe that's just me.

    I get the impression Weaver had a lot of fun with it and was practically creating a new character. This Ripley isn't the same person who heroically went back to rescue Newt in Aliens. She became a hardened creature for a harsh universe. The robot was practically the only character with fully normal human feelings.

    1. Heh, I KNOW! Call was also more "human," more compassionate than the entire Republican/Facist Party.

      Got hung up in other crap yesterday but am DEF beginning my binge/marathon today. :-)

      Ripley/Call – Ripley was, for me, like a harsh, face-your-reality mother. The whole flick was about motherhood...for me. Christ, I love Ripley's character in this! I wanna BE Ripley!

  2. Wild coincidence! Here I am, skimming back thru your blog (I think the last time I checked it out regularly was right after you lost TAB 😰
    But I came across Alien: Resurrection 2 wks ago on the last night of my chilly, not-quite-Spring-Break mini-vacay w/my son, his BF & his mother - I had to digest it a bit before I decided it was a worthy successor of the Alien franchise.

    1. Hi Val! Nice to see ya.

      Resurrection's def different from the rest of the series in that it's got some humor. I really like humor with my horror. Ya know, just like real life :-)
