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Friday, November 8, 2019

Sleepville Fashion

I dreamed that I walked into a diner and, unexpectedly, my cousin Della and her daughter were there. Unexpected because Della lives in Germany (Berlin) and Maya resides in Scotland (Edinburgh). The hash house was in Boston.

What a happy surprise!

The diner crowd was all dressed in sharp 1940’s suits. Della was in a dove grey gabardine, reminiscent of Bergman in Casablanca. It quickly became clear that this WAS the 1940s. I hadn't time traveled (boyhowdy, that'd be FUN) – this was just where we were in time. Sadly, the decade didn’t feature in the story line in any other way – just in how everyone was kitted out. Cool but maybe my brain's hinting that I should watch some classic film noir.

There weren’t any standout happenings, no serious denouement – it was just a happy dream about my cousin and how great she and her kids (Logan made a post bistro appearance too) looked in styles from the ‘40s. Happy, not creepy, not weird and not an exhausting sack time journey. I could use more sleepy-time fancies like this.