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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Greetings Donna fans!

Straight to the surgery report:  SUCCESS!  Donna is now minus 5, yes 5 spinal tumors, WHEW!!!

The amazing Dr. Coumans reported that the 2 large tumors  pressing against Donna's spinal cord to the point of making it swell (ugh...) were easy to remove (his words).  I like the sound of that!  Easy to remove tumors, or tumors LIGHT... DIET tumors!

Since the good doc found he had  some extra time on his hands,  he decided to go a huntin'... TUMOR huntin' that is,  and discovered 3 more of the little fellas taking cover in the same general spinal cord vicinity. YIKES... Those rascals didn't stand a chance against Dr. C. and are now, pushing up daises in the ol' tumor cemetery in the sky.  Yay Dr. Coumans!  Yay Donna!  A zillion points for the good guys!

Donna is doing great after her 6 hour surgery, and true to form, requested a sapphire martini, extra dry with an olive, just after the surgery team awoke her in the operating room.  I like that she selected a seasonally appropriate libation!  You may remember that a  hot toddy was her first request after her January brain surgery :-)

Let's hope that Donna has the chance for a VERY long long time before she needs to select another seasonally appropriate beverage in the hospital.  All seasonally appropriate bevs must now be consumed in the safety and comfort of HOME, Valhalla.  I command it!!