No, we’re not gonna get 2Gs worth of survival/relief buckos just because Liar von Pants-on-Fire stepped in saying $600 isn’t enough. The old orange loon didn’t all of a sudden start giving a damn about anyone else besides himself or grow a sense of duty or perspective.
Fuck no!
He’s doing this to screw with Moscow Mitch who dared to acknowledge the reality of Biden's big win (but only did so after MM's lord and master, Vlad, gave him the OK). So, negatory, I’m not expecting help paying the bills anytime time before late January.
Powerhouse Pelosi, proposed the 2G plan way back in May but Malevolent Mitch, Treasonweasel’s right hand asshole, let the bill sit, collecting dust, along with the giant stack of other House Bills. Apparently the turtle sees his job as Republi/Fascist Wealth Amplifier in Chief. Semi-serious question, do only one percenter rich people live in Kentucky? Is that why his evil ass keeps getting reelected?
By holding a voice vote on Thursday, Democrats will attempt to call Mr. Trump's bluff and force Republicans to go on the record for their opposition to increasing direct payments from $600 to $2,000. (source)
I’m not holding my breath.
27 days, mes amis, 27 days.
In other, less bleak news, the always-on-the-move monolith popped up right here in my little town! It was planted in the graffiti clad Quincy Quarries Reservation, surrounded by what looks like a crop circle stamped in the snow. A dude by the name of Patrick Geohegan managed to get some great shots before it blasted off for its next big appearance (OR was stolen). (check out his Instagram pages)
Did you know? Tomorrow is Christmas. Yes, it's the day when we Valhallans indulge in a big brekkie (waffles and
quiche this year?) WITH fancy adult hot bevs. I’m the only one who still
drinks coffee so, under my whipped cream, will be some sort of caffè
mocha. Under Jen, Oni and Ten’s? Mexican hot chocolate.
Later, with our traditional Chinese food, I expect we’ll
be watching at least a couple eps of the Mandalorian instead of a movie. Jesus
fucking Christ almighty, I love this show!!!!!
So yeah, Christmas is all about guilt-free indulgence. As it should be…dammit.
sure as hell’s flames hope none of you are risking your lives (or your
family and friend’s lives) by traveling and or attending some big holiday hoopla. Consider getting creative and putting together a fun,
different sort of celebration. Step out of your routine and make your COVID Christmas and New Year Eve something special. If
you’re alone, revel in the solitude. Grab a good escapist book (Catherynne Valente’s Space Opera fer instance) and/or movie (Freaks - Du bist eine von uns anyone?).
Enjoy some truly decadent pastries. Eat lasagna instead of turkey or
ham. Take naps. Appreciate NOT having to listen to Aunt Sadie and Uncle Fred
drone on about how Trump/Bernie/Paulsen wuz robbed.
3,411 more Americans died yesterday from the Republican Virus. The total U.S. death count, as I’m writing this, is 326,413.
Be smart – stay home.
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