I made it!
OK, before I proclaim absolute victory over my MRI tube fears, I need to make clear that, this time, I was in an open MRI—an unexpected happy surprise.
As its name would indicate, a closed MRI, has a capsule-like design where the magnet surrounds the patient. An open MRI, to the contrary, has a magnet top and bottom, which allows for an opening on the sides. (source)The open MRI was fab—I didn’t experience even a whisper of claustrophobia. I was lying on a round platform—like a thick pancake—with another one, a slight but comfortable distance, above me. There was the usual cage around my head and my arms were tight to my sides.
A closed MRI is both more powerful and, as a result, more detailed. An open MRI operates with lower power magnets, whereas the stronger magnets of a closed MRI can provide more defined details to help identify signs and symptoms of several serious conditions that would be more challenging to recognize using an open MRI. (source)Naturally, despite my joy-joy with the open machine, I’m curious as to whether the captured images will be sufficient for a solid, clear diagnosis.
The scan took more than two hours. Was this due to the magnets being weaker than those of a closed MRI (thus requiring more time to get a full picture)? OR, was the scan, possibly, wider in scope—i.e. was my brain scanned too.
This morning? I ain’t gonna worry about it. Now that my kidneys and bladder are stronger (these last two surgeries did a wicked number on all my interior functions), I’m having a cup of coffee—the first in over a year. YEA! Hope-hope-hoping the caffeine will evaporate the leftover haziness from so many days on calm-me-down meds.
Ya see, I’ve got two PT sessions today. Despite the fact that it’s chilly as all hell outside, I need to go for a seawall walk. Why? We’re due for a foot of snow tomorrow and it won’t be melting anytime soon. I walk the wall today or not for another week or two.
Ya know what’d REALLY perk me up, prep me for frigid seawall walkies? Cake. That’s right CAKE. I’ll be good, I'll abstain *sigh* but an old broad can dream.
But, but, but ... I got you a rainbow cake!
ReplyDeleteI can resist almost anything but NOT rainbow cake. That cake is perfect!
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