Friday, March 22, 2013

Emails From The Cat Front

 While Jen and I are visiting Daddy in Western Pennsylvania, Oni's been in Western New York state visiting his brother.

Ya'll know what this means doncha?

Yup. Bob's had to tend the occasionally testy and recalcitrant herds. Ours -- Coco, Rocco, Gaston and Greta. Theirs -- Rosie, Thelma and Skitter.

Below are missives from the morning struggles.

From: The Amazing Bob
To: Me
Sent: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 7:00 am
Subject: Re: where are you!

How you put up with these yowling beasts is beyond me. Woke up  0630 to a serenade -- Rocco & Gaston doing an operatic aria at top volume on the porch.  So I stumbled downstairs, threw some food on the porch and told them,

'shut up, please, the regular servant is out of town, your highnesses of lownesses.' 

Also fed Coco, who was a silent witness to this aural assault.

 I would sympathize with you on your travel headaches but you are blessedly innocent of the tragic scenario here at home.  Hope your visit with Pop goes well.  Now I go feed the three orphans next door (note the sly guilt trip on our TAB's part. possibly he was a cat in his last life. either that or Catholic.).   And watch them politely elbow each other aside for first to be fed.   LYM (love you madly)

From: TAB
To: Me
Sent: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 8:41 am
Subject: nutzo katzo

So I get Rocco and Gaston fed, Coco patted and fed, go upstairs to listen to radio music and relax.  Sure enough, about 10 minutes later the chorus starts up again. This time it's Gaston and Greta but the same old song. So I drop a bowl for Gaston and then put a dish for Greta at bottom of stairs.  Gaston's still yowling so I put a dish of food under his noisy nose and pat him and he quiets down.

If I could find somebody who likes to sleep to cats yowling, I could sell them both, making me and the buyer happy.  The cats?  As long as they get to stretch their lungs and hammer their vocal cords, they won't give a shit.  TTFN (ta ta for now)

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