Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mellow Yellow

Mellow yellow Bug and trike
Boulders along Wollaston Beach
The first-ish commandment of trike riding:
Thou shalt NOT ride out so far that you can’t get home without emergency texting Jen for a lift.
Bring cab fare just in case.
Yesterday was absolutely glorious. Low 60s, sunny, very light breeze -- perfect triking weather. I managed to peddle the whole way over to Wollaston Beach, taking my usual detours along the way, stopping to take pics and then, THEN, I realized (doh!) ‘ooo, I have to get the whole way home now and I forgot to wear my knee supports.’

Mega sigh.

I pushed on and cycled back to Valhalla without that panicked text message to Jen -- even took a new scenic route. Yea me!

Total trip? Around ten miles. Not much really but a lot for me.

After a hot shower and power nap I announced to The Amazing Bob,
 ‘I’ll have to do that route again tomorrow so I can can build up strength and endurance, right?’
Goodness, the look I got from him AND Coco could’ve melted the ice caps on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
‘What? Is that a no?’
So, I’m taking a TAB directed day off from triking. Instead, Jen and I will drive down to New Bedford for the gallery hopping I mentioned yesterday. We’ll hook up with The Green Miles and his lovely partner, Bethanie for lunch and then more art viewing.

Or AHT as Jen insists I term it. (We're in Massachusetts after all. I believe Rs might be illegal or something)

Oh and I believe that mellow yellow Bug should be MINE. It complements the trike divinely, doncha think?

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