Friday, April 19, 2013

Stay Indoors

All I can say right now is !!!!!!!!!!???????????
and when did Boston become such a war zone?

What's that you say? Can you write it down for me? I'm deaf, doncha know.

Monday? Oh.

Watched the news over at Jen and Oni's. Neither can go into work as the city's shut down. Hell of a way to score a three day weekend, huh?

The MBTA isn't running.  Taxi service has been suspended,

Such craziness!

From Bloomberg just now:
Minutes before the bombs blew up in Boston, Jeff Bauman looked into the eyes of the man who tried to kill him.

Two and a half minutes later, the bag exploded, tearing Jeff’s legs apart. A picture of him in a wheelchair, bloodied and ashen, was broadcast around the world as he was rushed to Boston Medical Center. He lost both legs below the knee.

“He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me,’” Chris Bauman said yesterday in an interview.
 and this found on a friend's Facebook page just now:
I just heard the suspect sneaked into somebody's basement and left a pool of blood. Glad he's injured.
Why? Why did they do this?  I just hope the cops, etc. got the right wretched, violent, assholic souls.

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