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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sunday Afternoon in the Land of New Art

AKA, for this Sunday anyway, New Bedford

There are a couple of shows that I’m itchin’ to get to down there. New Bedford’s, surprisingly enough to me, become a real shakin’ art mecca. WHEN did this happen? Must have been while I was napping, huh?

I want to see the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth Masters of Fine Art thesis show --it’s at the Star Store building in New Bedford  as well as the BFA show in the Bristol Building on Purchase Street.

Later in May there’ll be a show entitled New Bedford Harbor in a New Light.
Over 30 contemporary artists have been invited to create a new work centered around a theme related to the harbor and the fishing industry for this a multi-media, open-response art exhibition.
This looks WAY appealing.

And then, next weekend, is Somerville Open Studios which I MUST get to. Mind you, there’s tons of drek to wade through in these open studio events but there’s treasure too. Plus, I enjoy gawking and gaping at all the great and not so great studio spaces.

My pal Pete McGrath’s studio will be open. If you’re in the area, check him out. He does large scale, cold wax figurative paintings.

Meanwhile, here at the home atelier, I’ve got two paintings to tote into the pro art photographer so I can FINALLY fold images of my paintings. pots and sculptures into this blog (a second page? not sure how this’ll work yet). Yeah sure, I could take my own shots but I know my photography limitations and they are just ever so slightly more than legion.


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