Saturday, May 3, 2014

Trinkets and Traffic

My grandniece arrived yesterday afternoon from Dallas. How the fuck do I have a GRAND anything, I am MUCH too bloody young, I tells ya! No, no you don’t need to explain how exactly this happened, I’m hip to the biology and logistics and shit.

I picked her up at Logan and we crawled south to the mall in Braintree (a town named Braintree — huh. I really want to know how the town’s founders came up with this outrĂ©
little moniker. Did it start as some half drunk, oh-so-clever sobriquet, in the way that Jen and I always call the Fox and Hounds, Froggies?

In any case, we shopped for trinkets for her sister’s first communion this weekend. Naturally, we became derailed as we passed Newbury Comics where I just HAD to buy a Led Zep T. Why? Hey, it’s fabola+. Dammit. Crysta picked up a cool, fun pair of shades and some glittery studs for one of her piercings. You know, necessities!

 Truth, I wanted a Mission of Burma T but, not only had the hipster clerk never heard of MoB,  ('the fuck? This is Boston! What's that you say? The band was big 30 years ago — nearly ancient history in the realm of pop/rock/punk music? Oh. Shut up), they didn't have any in stock. *sigh* I made Crysta promise to listen to some of the songs on line. That's important history, dammit!

We DID manage to find just the thing(s) for Madison — yea us — and made for home by way of the aforementioned Froggies.

This morning, shortly even, we’ll head north to Hoosick Falls, Helen, Madison, Juliana and John. To bad my trike won’t fit into Bix — I’d just LOVE to zip around the town.

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