Friday, June 2, 2017

We'll Always Have Paris

Low tide at home
Ah....nope. Trumplethinskin has seen to that.

What is the Paris Climate Accord?
Representatives from 196 nations made a historic pact on Dec. 12, 2015, in Paris to adopt green energy sources, cut down on climate change emissions and limit the rise of global temperatures — while also cooperating to cope with the impact of unavoidable climate change.

The agreement acknowledges that the threat of climate change is "urgent and potentially irreversible," and can only be addressed through "the widest possible cooperation by all countries" and "deep reductions in global emissions.” (source)
This sounds awesome! Of course, it’s not perfect BUT, like everything in life, a lot of incremental changes and improvements make up the big wins.

Why’d Cheeto Twitler pull us out?
"We can't build the [coal] plants, but [China] can, according to this agreement," Trump said. (source)
He said it would “ effectively decapitate our coal industry."

Low tide at Nantasket
Reality? The coal industry here began sliding way down long before the 2015 signing of the Paris Accord.
The U.S. coal industry is declining in the face of lower-cost natural gas, renewable energy and regulations designed to protect public health. Decades of mechanization have also reduced employment.
Since its 2008 peak, coal production has been in steady decline, with total production in all major coal regions falling by at least 15 percent last year… (source)
45's other dubious, cherry picked facts are a collection of out-of-context numbers taken from obsolete reports as well as “studies” done by coal industry backed, environmental regulation opposing black hats.

Happily, people in power, not just us peasants WHO VOTE, are resisting.
Representatives of American cities, states and companies are preparing to submit a plan to the United Nations pledging to meet the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions targets under the Paris climate accord, despite President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement. (source)
SOLID but what about my home state’s Republican Gov – Charlie Baker? Has he signed us up?

YES! Yes, he has. I’m surprised and thrilled. Boston’s Mayor Marty Walsh has signed on as well. So far the list is small. Call your Governor and Mayor's office – tell them you want in on the action too!

von Clownstick's move has far more to do with his penchant for vacuous grandstanding added to his need for a distraction play (from ethics violations and insane, if not yet solidly proved treasonous, Russian collaborations). He also isn’t clued into the facts/the reality of climate change, coal’s inevitable decline or how investing in renewable energy industries can be a big, profitable, smart business choice. He's a micro brained dinosaur.

Oh yeah and he’s more focused on dismantling every good thing Obama fought for and won. Hell’s bells, he’d ixnay oxygen if Obama had been responsible for making it free and available to all (or, at least, he'd make it too expense for us rabble types). He’d outlaw Christmas if he was certain Obama embraced it.

The man’s thoroughly deranged and yet, Turtle Boy McConnell, Zombie Eyed Granny Starver Ryan and their band of slavering, lockstep voting, dimbulbed, degenerate Republicans aren’t moving to so much as curb their insane leader’s destruction of this once great nation.

I could just fucking scream.


  1. Turtle Boy McConnell, Zombie Eyed Granny Starver Ryan and their band of slavering, lockstep voting, dimbulbed, degenerate Republicans aren’t moving to so much as curb their insane leader’s destruction of this once great nation

    For whatever reason, they've thrown in their lot with Trump in the hopes of short-term legislative advantage (not much of which has even materialized, thank goodness). They'll have plenty of time to regret it later. For now, it looks like the cities and states and even some companies will be the ones to redeem the country.

    1. McConnell's not up for reelection until 2020. Ryan's up in 2018. I hope they both face FEROCIOUSLY awesome opponents AND I hope they're minority party leaders after the midterms. Dammit.
