Thursday, July 13, 2017

More Cool Ptown Art and Stuff

Other art that knocked my socks clean off included Shari Weschler Rubeck  (AKA  Sumo Bunni). Check out her website – she’s mostly a figure painter but there’s more. Me? I’m wild about her surreal, fairy tale-ish ones.

LOVE this tile and, DOH, didn't get the name of the artist!
Dunno where she's based but this is someone I'd really love to geek out with on the art/fairy tale front.

Anne Salas's flower still lifes really grabbed me and I am SO not a still life person. There's a lot of life/movement to them. NOT static but still. Of course, the metallic gold backgrounds snagged me too. Of course they did.

This one, the steampunk redhead, below right – I neglected to snap a pic of the who made me tag. I'm WAY pissed at myself for this as it was one of my fave paintings of the day. I think I just assumed it was a Cassandra Complex piece but I don't see anything like this on his site. Can anyone clue me in? Could it be a Michael Costello? Maybe it's Sumo Bunni?

There's a gallery/shop filled with the brill photography of Julie Tremblay. In fact, the name of the place is JT Julie Tremblay. Her work inspires and just flat out blows me away. Great color, fab composition – just beautiful. They're priced pretty damn nicely too. Her website's def worth a solid perusal.

Lest you think all I did was goggle the art, (and neglect to get artist names),  Helen and I did manage to do some shopping (evidence, below) and general exploration stuff.

Ptown – I just have to spend an off season month here! Anybody know anyone with an inexpensive small apartment they're aching to rent out to a nice, tidy old broad and her sweet, well behaved cat? PUH-leaze lemme know if you do!

It is the Morocco of America, the New Orleans of the north.
~ Michael Cunningham, Land's End: A Walk in Provincetown 

I've never been to Morocco or New Orleans so I'll have to take his word for it. 

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