Monday, August 14, 2017

If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
~ Nelson Mandela

It's just 206 days into the train wreck of 45's incompetent, insane, white supremacist, griftasaurus presidency and already:
the White House this week firmly insists President Donald Trump is determined to seek a second term... (source)
And, on the Left, the Purity Posse faction has gotten right to ripping up Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. Harris and Booker haven't said, flat out, they’d run but, ya know, why not start the Most Virtuous Unicorn Tests now?

Could we all please concentrate on being here now, fighting the battles that will move us closer to fine? The 2018 elections are a fuckton closer than the next presidential election and, if we're very good and eat all our veggies, maybe we can flip the House. What this involves is getting out the goddamned vote. VOTE! Find and support challengers to key Republicans. Who is running against Ryan, the zombie eyed granny starver? (Randy Bryce – union iron worker, Army veteran, cancer survivor, human) Ted Cruz?(Beto O’Rourke) Orrin Hatch? (possibly Jenny Wilson) Who’s up, who’s vulnerable in your state? Get involved while it's still legal.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
~ Ghandi
On Charlottesville and the KKK/Neo-Nazi in Chief's statements/position, a lot of mega talented wordsmiths have spoken.

Like John Scalzi:
Denouncing Nazis and the KKK and violent white supremacists by those names should not be a difficult thing for a president to do, particularly when those groups are the instigators and proximate cause of violence in an American city, and one of their number has rammed his car through a group of counter-protestors, killing one and injuring dozens more. This is a moral gimme — something so obvious and clear and easy that a president should almost not get credit for it, any more than he should get credit for putting on pants before he goes to have a press conference.

And yet this president…
It's not just the Orange Menace – the entire Republican Party owns what’s happened in Virginia. Sure sure, some have come out and *gasp* publicly criticized Dear Leader. They've done the same at other heinous moments in this, our national nightmare, but that's all they domake frowny faces and say they're concerned. The most McConnell’s said in the past is "I think it would be helpful to have less drama emanating from the White House,"
Gee, that’s the absolute best you can do, you iniquitous humonculoid turtle?!
Charles Pierce writes:
Nobody in the party he (Trump) purportedly leads has shown any willingness to do anything more than moan about how Troubled they are at what he's doing. 
Now that their pet Nazis are out wilding and murdering will the McConnell/Ryan led, theft prone suits do anything about Trump and his gaggle of white nationalist sphincter headed thralls? I'm not holding my breath.

Steve M. of No More Mister Nice Blog:
We know now that when Trump says or does something deeply offensive, it's unreasonable to assume that it will ruin his political career. Insult women, slander Gold Star parents, attack John McCain for his POW years -- no problem. Everyone in the base may not share those opinions, but none of it is ever a dealbreaker. So why should Trump condemn white racial hatred when part of his base clearly shares that racial hatred (...), while the rest of the base literally cannot be offended by anything Trump says?
Treasonous Trump should be removed from office NOW and all his appointees, including the awful Supreme Court pick, should be fired. The Republican Party's making sure that ain't gonna happen though so it's up to us.

Get involved.
Voter registration drives.
Volunteer to drive folks to the polls.
Carpool2Vote is the first ever volunteer based app that provides free rides to the polls for people all across America.  
It's easier to hide under the blankets in a Chianti fueled coma but that's not an option if I want to survive.

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