Friday, September 1, 2017


A blue footed boobie. Of course.
I found myself in Victoria’s Secret once again yesterday. Given my stone disappointment after my last visit to the joint, you may well be wondering ‘the fuck???

Well, Helen and the girls are visiting. Her eldest is at that age – 11 going on 20. There’s serious bud action goin’ on if ya know what I mean and, yes, I think you do. When Helen was 11 and visiting me from her Texas home, I took her to Vickie's frippery emporium to get properly measured. She was wearing a torture tie that was obviously ill fitting and probably mega painful to boot. Also too, it was boring as hell – some nasty-ass white thing, made from some ugly polyester (it undoubtedly looked better on the poor polyester beast). As long as we women types gotta wear these contraptions, they’ve got to, GOT TO fit right AND make us happy. Ya know with flowers, polka dots, fun colors, PAISLEY (fer fuck’s sake), stripes and a nice dragon print'd be cool too.

Are bras really necessary? Not all the damn time BUT there are serious advantages to them. It’s not all about looking mainstream sexy, ya know.

So then, it was Madison’s time. At Victoria’s Secret, she’d have a proper measuring (she did) and the wonderful staff would help us find the best, most appropriate styles and fits (they did). The shop’s inventory, this time around, was way less Frederick's of Hollywood but, at the same time, there seemed to be a distinct lack of fun stuff. No polka dot bralettes to be found. No paisley either. For that matter, I didn’t spy even one neon hued bandeau or balconette. Huh. Disappointment. To be fair, in all the plain black and white, I did see a beautiful aubergine and a soothing blue. There's just got to be styles available that don't fall into the Super Tramp OR Smooth Operator camps.

Madison’s on the softball team and is otherwise an active girl so we found a good, molto importante, attractive if not fluorescent sports bra. So then, my grand’s set up…for now. Until she grows even more. Kids do have a habit of doing that.

When Julianna’s time comes, I’ll take her for her first fitting too. I am all about TRADITION, dammit!

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