Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tangled Up

This morning, my mind is a mass of stray threads, odd flashes from last night's dreams (hint: You Can't Go Home Again), work jumbles (my own damn fault) and other random ooze.

For starters, I woke in a word obsessed kind of space.

Interesting shit:

a series of interconnected or interdependent things or events.
A concatenation of the paintings I just finished formed a surprise triptych.
I think I don't like this word. It sounds like something insecure Super Pedants use to make themselves feel good about their big brains.

adjective, Archaic.
great; large; much.
With mickle energy, Donna skedaddled.
Cake Pops...NEED!

marginal notes or embellishments (such as in a book)
I found, in the marginalia of Bob’s copy of Hamlet, the beginnings of a poem about baseball. (TRUE!)

a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. An opinion or statement contrary to commonly accepted opinion, but may be factual.
Examples of paradox?
I must be cruel only to be kind. ~ Willy the Shake (Hamlet)
I can resist anything but temptation. ~
Oscar Wilde
What a pity that youth must be wasted on the young. ~ George Bernard Shaw

so thin as to transmit light
Norman could clearly see the sinful Marion through the diaphanous shower curtain. 

unnecessary, being beyond what is required or sufficient.
The daily reminder emails were wicked superfluous – also too, unnecessary.

feeling or revealing an overt and often offensive sexual desire.
He gave her a mega creepatoid, lascivious grin – it skeeved her clean out.

Amongst the myriad things I wish I could still hear this morning, is this: What Shakespeare Plays Originally Sounded Like The Globe Theater is  experimenting with"Original Pronunciation" (OP), which is exactly what it sounds like–English as it was pronounced at the time Shakespeare's plays were written and first performed.

Back then move and love actually rhymed! Was the o long or short? I wanna know!

Wisdom from today’s Infidel753 post, Random observations for September 2017.
A multicultural society such as ours is less vulnerable to propaganda, fascist subversion, etc. than a monocultural society, for the same reason that a genetically varied population of organisms is less vulnerable to being wiped out by a single pathogen than a genetically homogenous population is.  When a society is made up of many groups who will respond to the same kind of propaganda in different ways, it's far harder to design a campaign to sway the whole population in a common direction.
And there's hilarity over at One Hot Mess with American Girl Now Has a Bernie Bro Doll.

That's it for me. I think I gotta go stand in the shower – see if I can steam the slag outta my bean.
Tangled Up In Blue – Dylan

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