Saturday, September 16, 2017


Logan squid
Pittsburgh dino
Yesterday, Jen and I needed to be at the airport at 4AM. Before the bloody dawn, yes.  You see we had an 6AM flight to Pittsburgh – we ‘re visiting my father in the, now, not so small hamlet of Indiana.

So then, I had to be up at 3AM to get ready and travel to Logan airport. 3AM – that’s just painful in’nt? (Hint: yes, yes it is)

Now that my sound systems kaput and The Amazing Bob’s permanently AWOL, I don’t have a reliable way to ensure time sensitive wakey-wakeyness. One consciousness scheme, drink extra water before hitting the sack – my kidneys will nudge me up and outta bed AND they don't have a snooze button. Great plan, right? Yeah, works a treat ‘cept for when the old alarm beans decide that midnight’s the best time to go off. DOH!
Misty morning at Michal's in Idaho, PA.

I was nervous. I could NOT miss this flight – haven’t seen the old man in months! The plan was, if Jen didn’t see my porch-light on at 3:30, she’d come upstairs and boot me out of Slumber Land. As it turns out, that was unnecessary since I woke at 11 and could NOT get back to Nod. I figured – no prob, I got two hours racktime, I should be fine. Yeah. Mostly. Sort of. Not so much, really. We made our flight, sped through rental car land (Avis – they were so MUCH smoother, faster and efficient than all the others I’ve used. None of the customer service units had a smile to spare BUT they were very good at their gigs and that made us smile).

We passed a Sheetz on the long drive from the Pittsburgh airport to Indiana and it occurred to me that sugar, SUGAR, will – all abracadabra-like – relieve my exhaustion. I got a hot chocolate AND an apple fritter. My diet groaned, saying You’ll regret this! But, GODDAMN, they were good and effective. While I wasn’t buoyantly perky, I was no longer in danger of sleeping through our visit. 
Yes, I know – I totes look like I haven't slept in six decades. Truth!

Though I was less effervescently chatterboxy than uszh, Pop, Jen and I had a fab time. We’ll see him again this morning before we head back to Pittsburgh. Christ, I wish he lived closer!

After seeing Daddy, Jen and I met Michal in town for dinner. We went to her fave place – Spaghetti Benders. Michal asked the owner to make his special mushroom lasagna for us. He did and it was flat out mind-blowing. Fabulous. Once again, my diet grumbled and moaned at me. Once again, I ignored it. I’m getting good at that – too good.

This morning, before we hit Pop’s place, Michal, Jen and I will go to the Newman Center Book Sale. This is a giant used book sale put on by the university’s Catholic church.
The proceeds from this sale help to support the programs and services provided by the parish.
One of those services is (was?) ASL classes. Back in the day, my mother taught some of them.

I must be good at the book sale – I’ve only got so much space in my wee rucksack. *sigh*


  1. You know, there are things that those of us who haven't had to think about hearing issues have never considered, and up until this post, an alarm clock was one of them. Glad you got there and had a great adaventure, but I certainly learned something with this one.

    1. Grazie! I've learned that there are alarms, doorbells, phones (landlines equipped with CapTel or some such)which use flashing lights versus bells to sound the "PAY ATTENTION TO ME" alert. Since I work freelance, I don't often need to wake at a specific time need. It's been fascinating to find out all the workarounds in this tech age.

  2. Having an interal alarm that has me up and headed out to the woods since I was a tyke, I can't really associate, but Harry's point is well made. I've trained myself to make my way and putter around the house in the early morning dark, but now that it's my ears that are going bad not my eyes am not sure it was worth the busted toes.

    I enjoy the quiet. Back in the logging days but for the few minutes a couple three times an hour dealing with mechanical equipment, it was quiet. I miss it.

    1. I too have an internal alarm but it's set for between 4 and 5, not 3 :-) I've always been a morning person. I get my best work done before 10.

      Quiet time – while I miss music more than I can say, I truly appreciate the beauty of silence.

      And so sorry about the busted toes, dude!

    2. Hey, I tried to comment on your blog (the latest post but past ones as well) but registering for WordPress was daunting (I'm lame. It's true). In any case – BEAUTIFUL pic!

  3. Not something I do often, bit of a phobia that dates to my raucous youth. Thank you.

    WordPress makes it difficult to turn comments off.
