Friday, October 20, 2017

Chaos and Cookies

I’ve known a bunch of folk who’ve said they work better under pressure. Me? Not so much. I can function while in a squeezed up state but I don’t like it – nope, not a bit.

Woke at 1AM with the absolute knowledge that I had to jump on a new, big, wicked time sensitive design/layout job RIGHT THAT VERY MINUTE. So I did. At 2AM I shot an email with questions to the client, figuring I was stuck in WTF-do-I do-NOWville until 9 or so when, ya know, normal people, get into work. Moments later, I got answers. Apparently she couldn’t sleep either.

At least it wasn’t politics or health insurance fears disturbing my sleep, eh?

I'm a study of a man in chaos in search of frenzy.
~ Oscar Levant

I’ve got yur frenzy right here, Oscar.

The law of centrifugal force seems to be as true for the human condition as it is for the Newtonian mechanics. The faster our lives spin, the more things tend to fly apart.
~ Richard Paul Evans, Lost December

“That's your solution? Have a cookie?' Astrid asked.
 'No, my solution is to run down to the beach and hide out until this is all over,' Sam said. 'But a cookie never hurts.”
~ Michael Grant, Gone

Yup, I’m with Sam. Today’s a cookie kind of a day.
“but there was nothing I could do to dim the supernovae exploding inside my brain, an endless chain of intra cranial firecrackers”
~ John Green

The problem is that those of us who are lucky enough to do work that we love are sometimes cursed with too damn much of it.
~ Terry Gross, All I Did Was Ask: Conversations with Writers, Actors, Musicians, and Artists

TRUTH! While I’d rather be painting raccoon headed nudes, I do, very much, like my current gig. I'd quit kvetching but...emmm...that's not how I roll. Dig?

His head .. it exploded. As if someone had scooped out his brains and put a hand grenade in his skull.
~ Stephen King, I Am the Doorway 

 Sometimes it feels like this.
The benefit of carrying the entire world on your shoulders was that you didn’t have to stare it in the face.
~ Rhian J. Martin, A Different Familiar

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.
~ Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

Normally I miss deadlines like a storm trooper misses Jedi.
~ Patrick Rothfuss, Unfettered

My wretched passions were acute, smarting, from my continual, sickly irritability I had hysterical impulses, with tears and convulsions. I had no resource except reading, that is, there was nothing in my surroundings which I could respect and which attracted me. I was overwhelmed with depression, too; I had an hysterical craving for incongruity and for contrast, and so I took to vice.
~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I've taken to vice with far less provocation. Frankly, I think Fyo's being a bit emo.

The trouble with hysteria is that it's contagious.
~ Romain Gary, White Dog

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