Thursday, October 26, 2017

Life 'n' Stuff

Ghost Cat and Umlaut got into a dust up a few mornings back – mebbe it's been a week now. They were, apparently, quite loud and this was more than a hissing match. Jen heard and dashed out to break it up. She shouted, stamped her feet and, yes, this worked. GC slinked off to a neighbor's yard, into the bushes.

We’ve not seen either pugilist since. Is GC off courting the ladies/sewing wild oats? Is he laying low, nursing wounds? Did Umlaut deal him a death blow?

We’re worried. Of course.
 I went to my first water tai chi class yesterday and, once again, was THE clumsiest, most klutizified person in the group. Not the youngest though. In a sea of white hair and saggy skin there was an ethereally gorgeous girl who couldn’t have been more than 22. I wondered how she ended up with us. Who was she? What's her story? Will she be there next week?

The exercises, at times, felt like warm-ups for ballet. Very cool.
I’ve just received my first Christmas design orders – a poster and a card. I’m an old broad – I should be used to this early kick-off to Christmas by now. No? When I was a tot, it was Thanksgiving. Now, the season begins just after October first. Annoying as all hell.

BUT this is way more benign than the already begun 2020 presidential race blather. I actually saw a bit about how Bernie should have Kamala Harris as his running mate because he'll die in office (he’d be 79 at on swearing in day), and she’d make a great prez but could never be elected on her own and besides...FEEL THE BERN!

It’s not just the the Daily Beast jumping the gate – the NY Times, Chicago Tribune, Vanity Fair and Washington Post are all riding this all-too-bloody-soon horse as well.

FOR FUCK’S SAKE! Could we please just focus on impeaching the egomaniacal, fool’s gold-plated, lying sack of America-killing rat shit?

And while I’m at it, it’s nice that Corker and Flake have come out swinging at the Orange Menace BUT it woulda been great if they’d done that a whole lot earlier. Ya know, before and instead of helping him get elected.

Flake AND Corker, if anything, are even more screw-the-poors than their Dear Leader. Amongst other heinousity, they both voted against Hurricane Harvey aid as well as disaster relief for Puerto Rico and elsewhere. Aside from that, they’ve been in near lock step with the man who would be dictator.

Flakey and Corkys’ current blazing speeches are nothing more than theater in service of securing high paying gigs after they piss off from their cushy senate racket.

And, once again, today is Thursday NOT Friday. I think an extra day got slipped into this week when I wasn't looking.

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