Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Night and Day

I woke from a dream at 1AM with a big, jolting start. I was driving a ’48 Ford Coupe down a two lane rural, forested road (route 22 in upstate New York comes to mind) and I was going much too fast. I hit a bump, an uneven patch of pavement and lost all control of the car – it was flight time. Me and the car tumbled through the air and I was thrown free, landing in a copse.

Incredibly, I was fine (this being a dream and all), got up and looked around. The car was nowhere to be seen. Where had it landed? Did it crash down on someone? This could be very, very bad. Cue the ominous background music, please.

Later same night, I was taking care of The Amazing Bob, encouraging him to get up and do stuff but he was too tired and in too much pain. My heart was wrapped in anguish – why couldn’t I help him/make everything all better?

Yup, not a good night in the Land of Nod. How much of an improvement is Wakey-Wakey Land?

First, the Orange Menace dedicates a golf trophy to Puerto Rico and seems to think that this, THIS passes for doing something. When I first saw the snippet in my newsfeed, I was certain it was the Onion had to be! I checked this morning and, nope. He's even said “We have it under really great control.”

It’s true – Clownstick really is this floridly tone-deaf and stratospherically incompetent.

Next, Tom Petty’s dead at 66. 66!!! Too goddamned, motherfucking young.

AND, the right, with their blind hatred, tenuous grasp on reality and need to always be seen as the victim, are corkscrewing themselves in their attempts to pin the Las Vegas massacre on the Left or possibly ISIS. Doesn’t really matter to them, as long as the dude wasn’t a Republican. Bast knows, can’t have one of their own getting caught acting out their bullying, bravado and threats. Miss the point much, you fuckers?

I do believe that today’s a good day to not read the news. Given last night's dreams, napping's right outta the question too. Must pay heed to the call of the cats and the easel.

Night and Day – Ella Fitzgerald

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