Friday, January 26, 2018

Another Day, Another Burlesque

A few choice bits from yesterday’s (yes, JUST yesterday's) news:

From the Netherlands, I found this is interesting as all hell:
Hackers from the Dutch intelligence service AIVD have provided the FBI with crucial information about Russian interference with the American elections.
It's the summer of 2014. A hacker from the Dutch intelligence agency AIVD has penetrated the computer network of a university building next to the Red Square in Moscow, oblivious to the implications. One year later, from the AIVD headquarters in Zoetermeer, he and his colleagues witness Russian hackers launching an attack on the Democratic Party in the United States. The AIVD hackers had not infiltrated just any building; they were in the computer network of the infamous Russian hacker group Cozy Bear. And unbeknownst to the Russians, they could see everything.
"Cozy Bear" – such a cute name! It puts the Coca-Cola polars, the fabric softener teddy, the Heathrow bear family and those TOTALLY adorbs Charmin beasties in mind, don't it? Yeah, these folks are so not the same thing.

Ron Johnson, the idiot senator from Wisconsin, claimed there’s a secret society within the FBI. These evil agents are meeting, trying to *GASP* destroy Trump. Duuuude, Trump needs very little help on that score.

From the Too-Stupid-To-Check-Sources files (or, at least, hoping WE wouldn't) – he’d, oopsie, taken a jesting tweet between Feebs, inserted his very own wet, feverish, Jack Reacher jack-off fantasy and voila, we have VICTORY! Except…NO, you dimwitted, laughable, diseased fool.

In other you've-read-too-much-Tom-Clancy news, Devin Nunes, the astoundingly huge suppurating anal fistula from California, has a big, BIG explosive secret memo that PROVES there’s a vile FBI conspiracy to take down Trump BUT he won’t share it with us. It’s a secret! We just have to take his word for it.

His fellow party-before-country Republicans, who had the priv of “seeing” it, are clamoring that it’s "so alarming the American people have to see this.”

Devin, you sad incompetent, two bit charlatan, don’t be so junior high. Pics or it didn’t happen! When all you do is blow smoke, eventually most of us get that there's no bloody fire. This is, by the by, Hype 101.

Prezident Menace is now saying he’ll magnanimously include a path to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants WHO HAVE KNOWN NO OTHER HOME BUT THE U.S. as long as we give him 25B for his bullshit, ridiculous wall – the monument to his hyper bloated ego.
Trump’s plan, which will be formally sent to the Senate on Monday, also includes a $25 billion “trust fund” for a border wall and additional security upgrades on both the southwest and northern U.S. borders. And the president is proposing terminating the ability of U.S. citizens to petition for permanent legal residency “green cards” for parents and siblings, limiting the family visas to spouses and minor children. (source)
Essentially, the Orange Psycho Puff and his Republican henchman are saying that they won’t DQ Dreamers BUT it’s gonna cost us and cost BIG. Ransom. He's demanding a gargantuan pay off, way bigger than the one he paid Stormy Daniels.

Last one:
After receiving the president’s order to fire Mr. Mueller, the White House counsel, Donald F. McGahn II, refused to ask the Justice Department to dismiss the special counsel, saying he would quit instead, the people said. (source)
And the obscenely spoiled toddler president backed down.

THIS is what everyone in government and the military needs to do. Obvs Trump is a rabidly narcissistic egomaniac with the power to kill us all – he’s six zillion light years passed rational or sane. All intelligent (or even semi-smart) folk need to say NO to Trump and threaten to abandon and publicly humiliate him (and then, of course, follow through, get a book deal and TELL ALL).
In an interview with The New York Times in the Oval Office in July, the president pointedly kept open the option of firing Mr. Mueller, saying that the special counsel would be passing a red line if his investigation expanded to look at Mr. Trump’s finances.
Why’s he so damn prickly about having his finances scrutinized? Oh yeah, it's that pesky money laundering business of his.

I think I need to hit the gym now to elliptical down my justified rage levels.


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