Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Shocking News: Giant Orange Liar Lies

The Grift-o-Matic Propaganda Machine was on his best behavior last night. That ain't sayin' much. He stuck to his approved playbook to the point that, as the Washington Post noted, it sounded as if he’d been doused with a warm glass of milk. 
Still, he spoke of his first year’s “accomplishment,” the vile tax scam – the feed the rich/fuck the poor swindle – as though it was somehow beneficial to us all. Now that I think on it, for him, us poors don’t actually exist. To Trump “us all” means him and his fellow Richie Riches. It’s a wealthy, white male world where everything's gilt tipped and women are no more than armpiece pets you can fuck.
Using a gentle tone and tempered language, this President Trump struck a new note of bipartisan appeal: “We endured floods and fires and storms,” he said of his first year in office. “But through it all, we have seen the beauty of America’s soul and the steel in America’s spine.” (source)
WE endured floods and fires and storms? We? No dude, you've been golfing. Golfing while much of Puerto Rico is still devastated and without power. Just one of the California fires decimated an area 19 times the size of Manhattan. Where you been? Golfing. Oh yeah...and cheating at it too. That does seem to be his style, how he rolls, eh?

Pelosi, clearly thinking "I'd rather be home cleaning grout."
The Serial Liar in Chief's script was whopper-checked in another Post post.
It was a good night for strength metaphors, but not such a good night for facts.
He took credit for inflated and, mostly, imaginary gains but there’s no mention at all of the damage done by his (and his Republican Party’s) utterly rapacious machinations.

Like, fer instance, the four BILLION+ lost in tourism buckos, the shiv he's jammed into the growing, people-employing solar industry, the numerous blue collar worker bee employing factories who've moved outta this once great country (including at Carrier Corp. despite Mr. Art of the Deal’s ballyhooed intervention. Mister "Art-of-the-Deal" strikes AGAIN!).

Best of all, the ridiculous buffoon actually applauded himself! What's the deal on this? Does he think this is The Price is Right or that he's a high school JV cheerleader trying to whip up the crowd?

Richard Wolffe over at The Guardian has a brill column up. Def worth a full read. I would quote it all out if I could. Here's just a snippet
The only way Donald Trump could look unpresidential in a situation like this is if he spanked himself with a copy of Forbes magazine. The only way he could sound unpresidential is if he read out loud his hand-crafted tweets about Fox News. And the only way he could miss all the normal notes about E Pluribus Unum is if he honestly explained his nativist immigration policy.
And yet he still managed to speak from his teleprompter like he was either reading his speech for the first time, or trying to talk to a room full of six-year-olds. has a fabulous, comprehensive round up of last night's fictionalized spewings by President Darth Chaos. Go read but you may want to Irish up your coffee first.


  1. [chuckles] I was going to use milquetoast in a comment below. Changed my mind.

    I didn't watch it, but from what I've read this morn and what little bit I've watched I could stomach (I kid you not, I have shot televisions. With a high caliber pistol), and what keep coming back to mind is a line from one of the second generation Star Wars movies: this is how democracy dies, with applause.

    I think it made itself pretty clear last night.

    1. Wow – GREAT Star Trek line! Do you remember which character said it to who?

  2. The Princess/Senator, Luke and Leah's mother.

    1. Right, right, you said Star Wars not Trek :-)

    2. The context was the Senate had just voted Palpatine emperor, or some such. Before, I think, she and the boy started bonking. Gives me pause, that. She, because I cannot place her name, was a good ten or twelve years older than Vader. Just another one of those oddities, I suppose, that only such as I notice, that doesn't quite fit. Another example, there's no mention throughout the movies of Vader's father. Indeed, there is only the implication upon his discovery of some sort of mitochondrial reaction, the birth not necessarily virgin but, ahhhh ... uncoupled. It is here also where we see the remarkable age difference twixt he and the princess. She's a full grown, if impetuous, woman, and if even only fifteen would be ten years older.

      The line has stuck with me because that movie aired during the Cheney Administration, I found it apt.

    3. Vader's birth, his origin – VERY interesting. And fraught. What would a Darth Vader "virgin" birth mean, particularly, in respect to Star War's analogy to our real crazy world?

      Vader's mother was ten years older than the father (or father figure)? "Father" was 5 and she was 15? If so, that IS deeply weird.

    4. No, the princess was ten or more years older than the boy who became Vader, father to Luke and Leah. Vader's father is the mystery. There is very little info about the mother, none the father. The mitochondrial reaction was implied when the boy was tested back at Jedi Hq.

      Yeah, it's weird. I'm weird. Little things to which no one seems to pay attention. Like in the newest I swear I saw the Jedi books in a duffle-bag on one of the rebel capital ships before the tree half-way across the galaxy housing the books was burned. As to the analog, since you got me thinking of these things, it occurred today that the latest makes a metaphor of the past twenty or so years: the truly evil villains of yore are gone (as are the heros) and what we're left with are villains merely amateur.

    5. Re: Vader and the Princess – right, right, I've got it now! I'm gonna rewatch the latest and look for that duffle.

      The amateur-hour villians are still pretty damn effective at wreaking havoc.

  3. I didn't watch the SOTU, Trump makes me sick after a twenty-second video clip. I did, unfortunately, see a few clips on CNN though and what I found exceedingly creepy was the dreamy look on Paul Ryan's face.

    Trump could order police to fire on civilians and I have every idea Ryan would find a way to downplay the event.

    1. I am SO hoping Randy Bryce trounces that rapacious, soulless, hypocrital dead ratfucker in November!
