Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Bored Now!

Coco's not pleased with my new look
Selfie, taken a few short minutes ago.
Bottom line, being ill gets annoying and dull, dull, dull muy rapido. I'm feeling all Willow-esque at the mo and need to do something to shake myself out before I, ya know, flay someone alive or something.
Latest painting. More of a doodle really.

Fer instance – the weekend MEEI idiots who FINALLY called my surgeon, Doc Davies, yesterday. The good cutter was out of town and, gosh, I guess the in town worker twits didn’t want to interupt her mini hol with my pesky blotated orb prob. That would’ve been AOK IF any of those manqués had been worth a damn. Quite possibly Jen, who was doing all the heavy phone work for me, needed to go all Dark Willow on their asses. I suspect she did.

In any case, Doc Davies reviewed whatever notes, images and blatherings the weekend crew collected and said, yes, allergic reaction/not infection. I'll see her live and in person this afternoon and hopefully get some rock solid answers and fixes. Good. After eliminating, one by one, all eye meds (except the post surgery prescription drops) I’ve run out of guesses as to what’s causing the bruised, swollen Republican wife look.

I will be sending a very stern letter to the MEEI Powers that Be. MEEI has improved greatly over the years but this, THIS was totally unacceptable amateur hour bullshit.

In these times, when my health is dodgy and I'm having to pitch epic battles to get decent care, it's too damn easy to become hyper focused and tunnel vision-y. I can ramp up my multi-tasking fu, attend to this crapoli and not be a two dimensional, depressing harpy (though I'd totally dig those wings). It's time to start that new painting. Maybe TWO! Also, I just picked up a very interesting looking book – Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi. The Guardian says it's strange, violent and wickedly funny. OK cool – I'm up for it.

Plus, today’s supposed to hit 61º and 68º is on tap for tomorrow! I may not be able to do much BUT I can go to Nantasket and barefoot it in the surf.


  1. That is quite the Harpi. Don't see that rendition very often (don't see Harpies) these days. I may have to clip and save it to fit in somewhere when writing about Drumpf uck's bimbos.

    1. The "right" has flocks of dimwitted bimbos. The left has harpies and viragos (such as yurs truly) BUT only the best!
