Monday, February 12, 2018

Deja Vu

Didn't I already have a Monday? Happened just last week, right?

Between my fabola West Coast getaway and this damn cold, I've been kinda outta the loop. What's up in News Land?

For starters, certain disgusting men within Trump's crew are beating on women. That does seems to be a job qualification for the Trump White House, don't it? Some of these cretinous asswipes (but, sadly, only some), have been denied security clearances. Why? Because THEY’RE DANGEROUS, MENTALLY UNSTABLE FLATWORMS, that's why!  The Toxic Tangerine Tit-willow, the Republican Party's head cheese, feels this is all kinds of NO FAIRS! Of course he does. Could someone please, for starters, explain the meaning of due process to our Toddler in Chief? Just a little free advice here, whoever does it will probably need to employ finger puppets and give extra scoops of ice cream so’s he’ll pay attention.
This mega skeevoid just reeks of malfeasance
Dimwitted Devin Nunes is promising a SECOND memo which will TOTALLY reveal how the Feebs were SO in the tank for Hillary which is WHY Dear Leader is not now our presi…Oh wait, the bald, tiny handed, women abusing, lying-ass fraud IS the head of this once great nation.

Nunes isn’t exactly bright, reliable, decent OR a public servant. Sure, he got elected by the people of California’s 22nd congressional district BUT that’s not who he’s beholden to. He’s a viciously partisan, toadying, snake who’d proudly lie about his own mother and sell her up the river for used kindling if that’d get him in good with the Grifter King.

Did ya know? Nunes-baby, who’s chairman of the House Select Intelligence Committee, had to step aside on the whole Russia investigation. Ya see, he kinda, sorta, OOPSIE disclosed classified information.

So, this new memo of his – think it’ll be every bit as jam packed with cherry picked, wildly skewed, bullshit and fever dreams as the first one? I’m betting on it.

By the by, challenging him in November’s election is Fresno County Deputy Dist. Atty. Andrew Janz.
VP Dense Pence is in Pyeongchang to lead the U.S. delegation at the winter Olympics. Unsurprisingly, he displayed a complete lack of decency AND a total ignorance of diplomacy. If Trump and his sycophantic Republicans don’t get us into a nuclear war, Pence surely will.
In Kentucky, Timothy Nolan, a former county district judge and a co-chair of Trump's 2016 campaign in that state  has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for human trafficking.

The charges stem from years of Nolan extorting sex from female prisoners under the age of 18 in return for lenient treatment and often drugs. (source)
In the 2016 incident, the heinously disgusting piece of diseased rat excrement (and Mitch McConnell's big buddy) was 69. His victim was 16. How many lives has he shivved?
President Sphincter Face von Hypocrite is holding a public signing ceremony for the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act. Apparently him and his fellow rich white guys are allowed to molest, rape and otherwise abuse all the babes they want but, SHHHHHHH, don’t get caught or lack the funds to buy silence. Trump, he's got a serious history of paying for silence.

It's a rainy Monday morning. That cold is clinging to me like wet tissue paper and the news, unsurprisingly, sucks. Maybe I'll go back to bed now, huh?


  1. He does seem to have a thing for abusers, doesn't he?

    (I just read what I'd written and realized the "he" I'm talking about might not be immediately clear, since more than one Republican man you mentioned seems to like abusers.

    Are there enough abusers in the country to win a national election? Only if they can intimidate their victims into voting with them, I suppose...)

    1. I’m hoping there are enough sane, pissed off and motivated men and women in the voting booths this November to make that blue tsunami a reality. I just expect the usual fire-baggers/Bros/whatever they’re called now to be out in force telling us that both sides are exactly the same and the only “good” vote is one for Pie In The Sky Du Jour.
