Saturday, February 3, 2018

I'm HERE! (snippets)

The flight was a total crowded house but otherwise not so bad. The poor woman, stuck in the middle seat, was gracious and thin – unplanned, unwished-for intimacy was avoided. Yea! One fascinating thing – she had on false eyelashes (black to her blondness) that would’ve given a herd of daddy long legs a spectacularly harsh inferiority complex. Seriously. Is this a fashion thing now? Again?

I only mention it BUT, on these long winged journeys, time often seems to go all marble statue still. I swear there were at least three hours between 5 and 6PM. It so didn’t help that we were an hour late getting off the ground in Boston either. This totally multiplied my usual impatience, my hurry-up-and-get-this-voyage-over antsiness.

I need to find a way to zen the fuck out for the return trip on Monday night. The TV’s cool – a lot of cool selections – BUT there’s no closed captioning. I'm getting used to the heavy, focused observation-without-sound action. Sometimes I’m successful at sussing out what up/what down. Sometimes I just make up my own story line.

The worker bee crew at San Francisco airport rock a definite wonderfulness factor. I was a little worried, though not in the freaked zone...yet, about how I was gonna get into the city. I didn’t want to cab it – expensive and, dunno, getting into a car with someone I don’t know, in a town I don’t know (while being all deaf and shit) just seems dodgy.

I found an info desk and the lovely woman with fabulously clear handwriting, told me about the easy-peasy shuttles that depart wicked frequently, just outside the front door. Yeah, I could’ve taken BART, (Bay Area Rapid Transit) BUT there’s isn’t direct route from there to my hotel. After eight hours in the air, the three hour time difference AND it being the dead of night and all, I just wasn’t up for an odyssey – not even a small, smooth one.

The very kind attendant at the shuttle stop made sure I go into the right van. He told the driver about my defunct sound system and where I was headed. That driver? I wish I’d gotten his name. He was TREMENDOUS! After we got into town, van in motion, I kept trying to snap pics. Oh LOOK, a cool bridge! You sure have a nice moon here! Driver dude PULLED OVER so I could snap the bridge! He pointed out other interesting landmarks and wrote stuff down for me when I couldn’t read his lips. Jesus, what a nice man.

Today I’ll be meeting Craig and Sara for lunch (Ethiopian!) and a visit to the San Francisco Tribal and Textile Art Show I am SO damn psyched!


  1. If you're off to a start like that, it sounds like this venture just might make up for Ireland's hiccups. Have fun, safe travels, see you when you return.
