Friday, February 16, 2018

Made it!

HEY! I've made it to Friday WITH both eyes! This, I only mention it, is some awesome shit. Oh, YES it is!

Yesterday, first thing, Oni brought me into the post cutterage appointment with my humor enhanced, madly stylin’ and fabuloso surgeon, Doc Davies. (LOVE her. Think I want to paint her)

I had loads of questions like:
  • why'd it take so long? 
  • wut up with the knife action? I thought this was all done with lasers and pixie dust.
  • when do I get the other eye done?
I learned:
1) The procedure took longer than I'd anticipated  because I had a very special, uncommon, surgically persnikety, dodgy-ass cataract. Of course I did – far be it from me to have some dull, run of the mill, easy-peasy eyeball cloud. What I had, in the back of my left orb, was actually a giant polar bear butt. REALLY! How the hell it got in there is absolutely beyond me.

Pretty sure she said polar bear ass. Okay, okay, she might have said posterior polar cataract. Same thing right?

Whatever – it made the sitch a lot more complicated and dicey. I'm glad I was unaware. 

2) No, cataract surgery is not done with lasers and pixie dust (huh) but the second half, the follow up of Wednesday's big event will be – no scalpels. Yeah, I'm not quite done yet but the BIG BAD part's over.

3) Other eye slice-age is up to me. It depends on my vision and, ya know, whether I get the urge, a hankering to go under the knife. I think I'll wait and see.

Bottom line – the week's BIG event was a raging success. A perfect 10 and all that. PHEW
Good morning. Now, get outta my face so's I can eat, Woman!

 Recovery will take about a month but I can go back to the Y (treadmill – definitely, elliptical – in a week-ish, pool – in a month) now. Yea me! Today all I have on my plate is work, walk, run a coupla errands and feed cats. Normal stuff – NO great big, scary and possibly life altering challenges on today’s agenda. Christ, that feels good.

In all the slice and dice fuss I sorta, kinda missed Valentine’s Day. This my second one without The Amazing Bob. We weren’t deeply, desperately, Hallmarkishly  romantic but we did observe the day in our own way. So yeah, it was another hurdle to clear. Jen, VERY thoughtfully helped Coco and Umlaut pick out a card for me AND she got me a fabolicious cupcake. That and she picked up some incredible grub from our new fave Thai joint last night.

I'm feeling very lucky today.


  1. That's fantastic.

    Because the leggings would have made me a little nervous.

    1. First time I met her she was just before Xmas. She had on a gorgeous little mini dress under her lab coat and black lace stockings. I figured she was hitting a holiday party after work. Nope, apparently she’s one of those rare, way cool stylin’ docs 😁

  2. Replies
    1. I’m thrilled to bits that I got through this! Even more so that the next one won’t be as complicated.
