Thursday, February 22, 2018


It’s currently 43º here in Valhalla. Not bad at all for a late February day, huh? Still, that’s almost 30º cooler than it was yesterday. Yeah, 70º in February IN NEW ENGLAND! I should worry about this but, yesterday, I just could NOT be arsed.

I opened windows throughout the house – FRESH AIR! – and motored down to Nantasket for a wonderful long-ass ramble. It was gorgeous AND crowded. Looked like there were loads of folks, with kiddles in tow, playing hooky. Who could blame them? Only the most penurious of souls.

Swimming in February IN New England!
By this time, most winters, I am just sick to near death of the cold and darkness, wearing 8,000 layers, heavy boots and not being able to go for long, meditative beach walks. Really, by late February I’ve just HAD IT!

I wasn’t always so impatient with winter. Nope.

On the way to see my surgeon on Tuesday, windows down in the car – beautiful warmth breezing in, Oni and I traced our winter loathing to that snowmageddon year where we had over NINE feet of the white stuff. Every week brought fresh blizzards and the last of the snow didn't melt until summer was well underway. That winter broke us.

Would we consider snowbirding? Hah! Spectacularly unlikely since we assuredly don’t have that kind of dough but Jen and Oni may opt for a week-long southern vaca next winter. Me? Maybe, instead of just a few days away in a warmer clime, I’ll take a couple weeks. It’d have to be someplace that I could go with Coco though – I can’t bear to be away from her for so long. Where to? Any ideas?

It felt so damn good yesterday to walk and walk and walk. With last Wednesday's surgery and that obscene allergic reaction, I needed to take it mega easy, rest. BUT this is a big Catch-22 – I need exercise to mellow me out, twig my endorphins/lift me mood AND keep me from rockin' a Jabba figure. By yesterday morning, after all that rest, I was ready to eviscerate all and sundry, burn bridges and slay dragons. Nae good! For starters, I like dragons. Being able to barefoot it in the cool surf for an hour or so was just what I needed.

Today I'll be back at the Y. Can't get in the pool for a few weeks yet but I CAN elliptical. And so I shall.


  1. I hear you. No Y for me yesterday. I got out for an hour bike ride. In shorts. In freakin' February! Ahhh, the glory!

    1. I coulda used just ONE more day *sigh* It'll be spring soon.
