Wednesday, March 7, 2018


We’re due for another storm today. I’ve been hearing that since Monday morning. Ya know, before we'd even got power and HEAT back. Today's storm was touted while we were all still weighted down with the business of getting through the slowly exiting BOMB CYCLONE. We were still in damage assessment mode. Another storm seemed like a cruel joke, still does. Mother Nature does have a mean streak but, given human’s abusive ways, who could blame her?

Yesterday, in an attempt to be better prepared/more comfy, in case we lose power again today, I went off in search of a nice camping lantern AND a coffee filter cone.  I have plenty of warm blankets, sweaters and scarves – what I need is a decent bright light to read by and a way to make a decent cuppa. Instant coffee? FEH, I respect myself much too much to drink that weak-ass shit!

I went to the hardware store. No joy. I hit Lowe’s. Nada. The coffee aisle at my local Stop&Shop had a zillion different kinds of filters but NO cones. Then I thought *Target* – they carry everything, right? I motored down to the mall – not actually one of my better thought out schemes.

Ya see, I gotta pass by a lot of temptation before reaching the escalators down to Target. Even if I succeed in running the shit-I-don’t-need-but-really-WANT gauntlet, there’s aisle after aisle of interesting hmm-I-might-need-THIS at Target.

Did I find my camp lantern and coffee cone? Nope. I did, however find some lovely towels on sale AND, on my way back to Bix, succumbed to the allurement of the Vans store. I thought, I’ll just pop in for a look-see. BAD idea or VERY good depending on the height of my self-excoriation. Right now it’s at a wonderfully low ebb.

I found these ruby red, VELVET slip ons and they were half off!  They may not light up a room when the power’s out or filter my java but, DAMN these were totes necessary.

sparkly, unnecessary bagatelles – MUST PASS BY 
*ahem* and *cough* Now then, I just checked the latest weather report. Looks like, at most, we’ll get 2-4 inches of the white stuff before it turns to rain. By end of day, the snow will have washed away. Winds won’t exceed 27 MPH (versus last Friday’s 90 mile an hour gales). AND Sea Street’s not expected to flood at high tide.

Today’s weather event isn’t a storm, this is just a messy winter day in New England. YEA!

My cousin Gary, up in Boothbay Harbor won’t be so lucky. Coastal Maine’s in for 10-20” of snow. *sigh*

One silver lining to all the just-lived-through frosty chill – being cold burns a LOT of calories.
One study conducted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health showed that just 15 minutes spent in the cold can be the metabolic equivalent of a full hour of exercise.(source)
I’ve fallen off the Diet Train so this is very good news.


  1. Uhhmmm, bear in mind a coffee filter cone is only as good as the hot water you pour through it 😏

    1. Interestingly, my stovetop (but not the oven) works during power outages. I can heat water for coffee and make soup too!

    2. Hmmmm... sounds like the (fancy) old wood/electric my grandparents' has at the merchantile.

    3. Your grands ran a general store? In a small town? I'm already imagining their interesting lives. My stove's def not fancy – I don't know why/how it works, just that it does. :-)

    4. College educated Atheist Socialist grandparents who raised their daughter's bastard son, hiding out, as I understand it, for many years in a merchantile out in the middle of nowhere.

      Couldn't have asked for a better childhood 🤔

  2. Be careful with those red shoes. If you click the heels together you might find yourself in Kansas. After what Brownback did to that place, you're better off sticking with the cyclone.

    1. I *think* as long as I don't say "there's no place like home" whilst clicking I *should* be OK. And, YES, a BOMB CYCLONE certainly does less damage than a Brownback!
