Friday, February 22, 2019

Is there such a thing as over-chill?

Maybe but I don’t think I mind it. NOT at all!

Yesterday morning after checking into this  incredibly comfortable hotel, in this magnificently alien landscape, Jen and I took a long nap. We had to recover from being all wakey-wakey for more than 24 straight hours – 29 to be all precise and shit. We were massively dead-frog brained.

FYI, not even the youthful, (dewy-even!) Jen has enough energy to buzz through a coupla days unaided by a solid eight of rack-time.

Post-nap we eased into the glorious geothermally heated lagoon for a good long soak and float and slight swim. Heaven! Nearly every kinked up muscle let go with a loud AHHHHHHHHH!

This restorative float, by the by, didn’t reignite our seriously depleted respective life-forces. NO it did not BUT that was AOK. After all, we’s on holiday AND the whole point of this one is to chill the fuck out. Yes indeedy, we were, near instantly, mega successful in our mission.

Here’s one of the core dealios that makes coming here for this noble purpose ideal. The landscape is wonderfully otherworldly – it’s positively lunar (moss covered lunar, that is). LOVE it. We went for a short walk in the lava fields. The wind was cold and searingly brutal but we knew more floaty time in the blissfully warm lagoon was on the other side of our brief burst of fitness. And it was.

The day ended with dark chocolate, fruit infused prosecco and the reading of trashy novels – steam punk for Jen and the bleak, futuristic Northwest – METAtropolis anthology for me. These are stories limning America as it might be after the collapse of society as we know it. It's set a short 70 years from now.

Ya know what? Given the state of the US under the criminal rule of Spanky and the RepubloFascists, this feels a little fucking on point and at odds with the whole Max Chill goal of this holiday. Also too – not trashy.

I believe I’ll move on to a cozy, bloody, relaxing mystery instead.

What’s on for today? Another ramble in the lava fields, more floating, dark chocolate and chilling with the cozy reading matter.

Yeah, vaca – I’m doin’ it right! Also, pictures:

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