Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Women

A few of 'em anyway.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a big fucking deal. She’s young, VERY smart and brave. Not perfect BUT:
A) who is?
B) with every day she’s out there in the glaring spotlight of the Republican character assassination machine, she gets better and BETTER.

The Green New Deal that she and Senator Ed Markey have put forward is HUGE, not radical enough to truly save the planet BUT it's a very good start. The clowns of the “Right” are having one of their usual fact-free, gang sneer and jeer fests over it.

Their microscopically tiny brained leader, Preznit Orange Toe Jam called it a high school term paper that got a low mark” and said “They want to take away your car, reduce the value of your home and put millions of Americans out of work,”  he also speciously claimed that the resolution would get rid of planes, cars and cows. Cows? Rilly now?
Hey Cheeto Bean, did you even READ the proposal? 
Of course not. It was more than five words long and HE wasn’t being praised, not once, in the very first sentence. Prolly he got his talking points from the criminally criminal fraudster Turtle McConnell.

The seriously sharp witted AOC responded with:
“Ah yes, a man who can’t even read briefings written in full sentences is providing literary criticism of a House Resolution”
What’s in this big, yet modest resolution?
In very broad strokes, the Green New Deal legislation laid out by Ocasio-Cortez and Markey sets goals for some drastic measures to cut carbon emissions across the economy, from electricity generation to transportation to agriculture. In the process, it aims to create jobs and boost the economy. (source)
You can read the whole resolution here.

AOC isn’t the only awesome, new, elected warrior for the people who's rockin' the lady bits.

There’s Sharice Davids who represents the 3rd Congressional District of Kansas. KANSAS! She’s a member of the Wisconsin-based Ho-Chunk Nation, a mixed martial arts fighter and, after starting at a local community college, ended up a grad of Ivy, Cornell Law School.

In a campaign vid she said:
“This is a tough place to be a woman. I’ve been put down, pushed aside, knocked out,” Davids says in a voiceover as she ties back her hair and wraps her knuckles. “It’s clear Trump and the Republicans in Washington don’t give a damn about anyone like me or anyone who doesn’t think like them.” (source)
She also called for treating gun violence as a public health crisis (YES!) and voiced support for expanding Medicaid's health coverage for more Americans (YES, YES!!).

Debra Haaland represents the 1st Congressional District of New Mexico. She’s an enrolled member of the Pueblo of Laguna with extra, added Jemez Pueblo heritage. Her JD is in Indian law
"My struggle has made me fierce, and we all need to be a little fierce to get things done. Congress has never heard a voice like mine, but come 2019, it certainly will—and often." (source)
On being sworn in she allowed:
"As a kid, I never could have imagined today. I will leave the ladder down behind me so girls of color know they can be anything they want to be.” (source)
The new Senator from Arizona, the stylin’ Krysten Senema, is the first woman elected to the US Senate from that state and the first openly bi person elected to the United States Senate EVAH. She graduated high school (and was valedictorian) at 16, college at 18. From there she went on to earn a Maters in Social work at 23, a law degree at 28 and her Ph.D in Justice Studies at 36. All that and she’s a triathlete and marathoner!

Senator Senema has been a social worker, a biz law prof, a criminal defense lawyer and she’s taught Master's-level policy and grant-writing classes at Arizona State University School of Social Work since 2003.

Veronica Escobar reps Texas's 16th congressional district. Yup, that’s El Paso, where the Hater in Chief just held a sad, poorly attended rally.

Escobar (along with Beto O'Rourke) has led protests against Bone Spurs Göring’s sadistic, war crime (‘cept we’re not at war – not with Mexico anyway) policy of ripping children and babies away from asylum seekers at the border

These are just a few of the newly elected women. They’re warriors – heroes and examples for the rest of us.

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