Thursday, February 28, 2019


NOT a good day for the Failure in Chief. Nope Not. At. All.

At the BIG summit in Vietnam, Cadet Bone Spurs, Mr. Art of the Deal couldn’t get a ring on his little buddy Kim’s nuclear finger.

HOW could this happen? I mean, he even called his mentor, his boss, his Moscow man crush for advice! I only mention it but the President of the United States has the entire State Department on speed dial. It’s their bloody job to know what’s what around the world and give the Prez the skinny

Does Harebrained Hitler not trust his latest, very own, handpicked Secretary of State? Mike Pompeo’s a partisan asshole and a racist shmuck BUT he’s not a complete idiot. He, reportedly, understands that he needs to spoon feed (WITH pictures) intel to the spoiled toddler in chief and then run around after him, cleaning up his poopies. With all this, shouldn't the meeting with Kim have been easy-peasy, like falling out of a porn star's bed?

And then there was the mushroom winkled, tantrum incarnate’s ex-fixer, Michael Cohen’s testifying to Congress.
I have lied, but I am not a liar,” Cohen said. And I have done bad things, but I am not a bad man. I have fixed things, but I am no longer your fixer, Mr. Trump.
The merely embarrassing came out such as the Orange One’s racism , his lack of concern for the citizens of this once fine country and his efforts to conceal his shoddy academic record.

And there are the felonies:
  1. Conspiracy to defraud the United States. (the whole Stone, Assange, Trump WikiLeaks dump)
  2. Lying to the FBI and the Justice Department. (WikiLeaks again plus the Trump Tower meeting and more)
  3. Suborning perjury – getting others to lie for him.
  4. Violating campaign finance laws – yeah, paying off porn stars is actually NOT legal when yur running for prez.
  5. Bank, wire and tax fraud. Cohen testified that Trump inflated his assets to win bank loans and deflated them to reduce his taxes — precisely the kind of scheme for which Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, is now facing lengthy prison time.
Will the Liar in Chief skate on all this? I hope ta fuck not!

The Republi/Fascists at the event were all trying to out-Lindsey Graham, out-Kavenaugh each other. Apparently they believe that having hissy fits, hysterics and ginormous, red faced spasms of defensive temper are…dunno…professional? pursuasive? a good way to show your smarts?

I only mention it but...NO.

Florida Rep, Matt Gaetz is now being investigated by the Florida bar association for his pre-testimony threatening tweet to Cohen. Good – I hope he’s disbarred AND tossed out of office!

Rep. Paul Gosar, R/F-Az, went with the tried and true grade school taunt, Liar Liar Pants on Fire. My, how spectacularly sophisticated, eloquently forceful and effective of him.

 Jesus, how did these these yutzes, these pathetically dimwitted pantywaists ever get elected?!

Cohen had  some great responses to the idiot Republi/Fascists.
At one point, he said he appreciates that Republicans are attacking “me every single time about taxes, (saying) I have no credibility.”
“It’s for exactly that reason that I spent the last week searching boxes in order to find the information that I did so that you don’t have to take my word for it. I don’t want you to,” he said. “I want you to look at the documents.”
To Rep. Mark Meadows, R/F-N.C., who attempted to rebut the racism charge by trotting out one of Trump’s African American employees, saying, the woman wouldn't work for someone who is racist.
“Neither should I as the son of a Holocaust survivor,” Cohen replied.
NONE of the nap needing RepubliFacist snowflakes asked a thing about their Dear Leader.
 "I find it interesting that not one question from you today has been about Mr. Trump," Cohen said, adding, "That's why I thought I was coming today.” (source)
And finally, the one that says "oh man, if I could live my life over again..."  Rep James Comer (R/F-Ky) asked him, if Trump's a cheat, what is Cohen. He replied "A fool."
Yesterday – The Beatles


  1. Though I've been busy these past couple of days saving money not going to the gymnasium (shoveling snow) and haven't paid quite the attention one thing the stands out, having spent a few years at a law firm, is the utter lack of professionalism. Most of these bozos (respects) were practicing lawyers before elected to office, yet watching and reading I just don't see any lawyering. It's all gutter-sniping and dogwhistling reichwing religious freaks.

    1. They're apparently on a race to humanity's bottom.
