Saturday, March 23, 2019

Aht on the Road

Woke from a dream so nasty that...well...we just won't speak of it. Nope. Instead, here's some art.

These first two we stumbled across on our way to Yellowstone. The wonderful RiverStone Gallery is, totes unexpectedly, in the microscopic town on Ennis, Montana.

Naturally they were shut for the season (as was practically everything in Eastern Montana and Western South Dakota) BUT the gallery's attached to Bern Sundell's studio. He saw us through the windows, staring longingly, and let us in. SO nice!

Bern Sundell paints fish and his wife (sister?) Lexi Sundell paints crows amongst other things.

RILLY wish I could've brought home one of each!

This next group we found in Chamberlain, South Dakota at the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center. Wonderful gallery space which, I'll bet, does gangbusters biz during high season (whenever the hell that is in this end of the world).

Ten and I are off to Minneapolis this morning. Susan tells me that, while there's no ocean, they've got 10,000 lakes. So then, ALMOST like home, eh?

Gerald Cournoyer – Crow Horse
Donald Montileaux – Spirits Four 
Lyle Miller – Buffalo Horse Shield
Keith Braveheart –Tasunka Unsikila
Athena LaTocha – Untitled

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