Friday, March 15, 2019


It’s happening!

Thomas Ten Bears and I are jumpin’ over his sword and becoming a shackin’ up, committed thing. No, I’m not leaving Valhalla and moving to his awesome, slack jaw inducing, astounding High Desert. Nope the man is moving into Valhalla.

We decided this about a month ago. (AND I kept it a secret!!!) He needs a fresh crib and I’ve got that tiny cottage on the eastern sea. Plus there’s that whole BIG LURV thing we’ve got goin’ on. Logistically and big fat love story-wise, this makes a boatload of sense.

My friend Tim, awhile back when I was wondering where things could possibly go, suggested that Ten and I could live together for part of the year in Oregon and part in Valhalla. That sounded GREAT but I can’t really plan what my overactive little tumor assholes will do from month to month. This means that staying near MGH is pretty importante. Yes, I know there are good docs up in Portland BUT the big, cutting edge reseach for my rare shit's done in Boston and LA. That’s it. I aim to stay out in front of this bastid Nf2 so’s I can live a nice, round, healthy, long-as-I-can life. Not rolling under the thumb of the cretins in my bean and along my spine, means not ever being terribly far from MGH for terribly long. YES, that is limiting BUT I love Valhalla. Plus, Jen and Oni are there – they are mia famiglia.

So, this is a HUGE leap for Ten. His, now adult, children and most of his grands live in Bend. He’s lived here most of his life.

Am I worth his radical uprooting? Jesus, I hope so,

Where do we go from here? //shrugs// Dunno but we’re taking two+ weeks to drive cross country, back to our home. Adventure (and pics) WILL ensue.

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