Monday, March 25, 2019

Early Jump WITH Art!

Grands and us
Ten and I are about to hit the road. We're hoping to get past Chicago today. I'm sorry to say so long to Minneapolis though. It's SUCH a civilized town! I can totes understand why Mary Richards moved here.

Yesterday Susan, Ten and I met Ten's grands and Susan's ex (did I mention how civilized this place is yet?) and his mother at the Walker Museum Sculpture Garden.

It was a chilly day with strong winds so, after a brief tour around the park we went into the museum's lovely, large lobby. There are all these big, stone colored ottoman type things which the kids stacked, made forts out of and climbed around.

The thing that really slayed me – Susan's ex mother-in-law played with the kids for most of the visit. She'd never met them before and she just jumped right in. How sweet is that? (Hint: very!)

So, enough words – I gotta pack and we gotta fly (

Jesus I love this place!

Also, just FYI, the giant blue rooster was my fave. Of course. Who can't love an 13 foot tall cobalt blue cock?
NOT seen at the sculpture garden but I LOVE this!


  1. Very cool! I can see the attraction of the blue rooster ~ but I love that giant cherry. Sounds like a great trip, can't wait to see the photos!

  2. Too bad you couldn't spend more time in Minneapolis. I lived there for six months back in my college days and it remains one of my favorite places in the country. The Walker is definitely a highlight. And now you're on to Chicago. Too bad you won't have time to stop and see my kids. They'd welcome you with open arms and a good beer. Safe travels!

    1. We spent about a zillion hours stuck in Chicago traffic and we were just skirting the city. I can just imagine what your kids face daily!
