Wednesday, March 13, 2019

God Scheiße and Weird Science

There are NO good graphics to go with the
story at left so here, have some fun bunnies and a zebra!
In Comal County Texas (San Antonio-New Braunfels area), judge Jack Robison, FROM THE FUCKING BENCH, told the jury to acquit a SEX TRAFFICKER because god said so. That sex trafficker Gloria Romero Perez? She’d been charged with continuous sex trafficking and SELLING a child. Christ almighty, that right wing god sure is a despicable asshole, huh?

Gee, where else has sex trafficking come up lately? OH YEAH…the Grifter in Chief’s little Super Bowl party! One of his dear guests, “Cindy” Yang, the “entrepreneur and former owner of the happy ending massage joint, Orchids of Asia, is said to be connected to a sex trafficking ring   (though, as yet, she’s not been charged). Now then, big, BIG Trump donor, entrepreneurCindy MIGHT not be selling humans as sex slaves right now (unknown) BUT she IS selling access to Trump through her “investment” biz. Nice to know America can be had so cheap, eh?

This IS, unsurprisingly, the sleaziest motherfucking WH EVAH. Reagan, Boy Bush and Nixon's administrations were riddled with criminals too but, boyhowdy, the Tangerine Twat and his crew leave them in the dust.

In more upbeat science-y news – scientists in Japan have “woken up” some woolly mammoth cells. They inserted the woke cells in, get this, a mouse (poor dear) and are watching/studying the biological activity. The science guys said they can’t grow a new woolly from the cells they have but, ya know, if they get more, better cells, MAYBE.

I wonder if they’re in contact with the Harvard team who are looking to genetically engineer an elephant-mammoth hybrid. They wanna craft one and send it up north to the Arctic to battle/prevent the “methane time-bomb,” which could cause planet-wide environmental devastation.

Woolly mammoth environmental warriors – COOL! Also, is it just me or do these babies put Mr. Snuffleupagus in mind?

And finally, Georgia State Rep Dar’shun Kendrik is planning to intro a ‘Testicular Bill of Rights.’ This is in response to Georgia’s “Womb Takeover” (HB481) bill which passed in the Georgia House of Representatives . The idea of this idiotic, nasty-ass bill is to outlaw abortion in Georgia. Apparently, white men and brainwashed women in Georgia aren’t gonna be happy until we women folk have no control over our own damn bodies.

How many women need to die before the tiny brained, "christians" of the trés bullshit American taliban are happy? Also, I am NEVER setting foot in Georgia...EVAH!

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