Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Where are we? Where are we going?

Where we been
We made it to Billings, Montana yesterday. We’re on the outskirts actually and it’s the most we’ll see of the town. That’s AOK since, today, Ten and I plan to slide down outta this enormous, cold and VERY snowy, ultra gorgeous state. We’re headed for Wyoming.

During our brief time there (just cutting through on our way to South Dakota), we’ll stop by the site of the mondo inspiring Battle of Greasy Grass (AKA Custer's Last Stand). That’s where, under Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse’s spectacular leadership the Sioux and Cheyenne joined together to fight their imprisonment on reservations, their loss of freedom, the destruction of their way of life.

Gauguin’s Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Seems radically appropriate and shit, eh?
Sherman Alexie has said the reservations were an act of war.

Yes indeedy. Truth! Reservations were the 19th century equivalent of Roosevelt’s WWII internment camps for Japanese citizens and Trump’s Republi/Facist Party’s jails for immigrants. Here’s the big difference though – the Lakota, Crow, Comanche, Seneca, Apache, Cheyenne, Choctaw, Navajo, etc., etc. were here FIRST. This was their land. It was the immigrants who invaded, slaughtered and defiled, taking away the homes of the rightful citizens.

Huh, just occurred to me that all the immigrant haters (but only the brown skinned ones, K) are, just mebbe, recalling what their ancestors did and think the new folks who wanna come here are gonna be just as vile and rabidly evil as their great-great grandparents. Rilly don't think so, you feeb pantywaists!

I only mention it but, we on the left? We need to be like the Sioux and Cheyenne – set aside our differences and become as one to battle our common enemy. Yup, that’d be the Republi/Facists who are out to outlaw anyone who doesn’t line up with their belligerently bullshit, conformist and heinously oppressive 1950s Father Knows Best, Ozzie & Harriet, and Handmaids Tale versions of reality.

Enough ranting. It’s time to pack up the rucksack and head out.

Here, have some last shots of Montana. Yur welcome.

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