Monday, November 16, 2020

65 Days To Go

2,133 new Plague45 cases 36 deaths and 737 hospitalizations yesterday in Massachusetts alone. The for yesterday? 135,187 cases, 623 deaths and 69,864 hospitalizations.

In the world? 493,236 new cases were reported and 6,448 deaths.

Earth’s people population is 7,800,000,000. The U.S. pop is 331,000,000. We have just 4.25% of the planet’s people but 36.5% of the world’s COVID cases. USA, USA, USA! (stats from the NY Times map site)

Why? Because we’re stupid and we’ll die

A member of Dimwit Don’s cane toad brained plague “task force” (AKA Team Lying Sack of Sycophantic Squirrel Shit), specifically the Russian tool,  Scott Atlas (did he get that name out of a 1950s box of Cracker Jack) seemed to think it was a bright move to incite violence specifically against Michigan, whose already targeted Governor, passed new, lifesaving measures to slow the spread of COVID.

Bully Boy and Treasonweasel Asslicker twitted:

"The only way this stops is if people rise up," Atlas said. "You get what you accept. #FreedomMatters #StepUp” (source)

Not only is Atlas a bullying asswipe, he’s NOT even an infectious disease expert. "Doctor" Stupid Head is a radiologist (he looks at x-rays and MRIs and writes reports). He’s also, like most midget dicked, blustering piles of weasel excrement, in possession of mega delicate fee-fees. He can dish it out but, bottom feeder that he is, he can't take it.

There are 65 days until Biden/Harris are sworn into office. The grifting and golfing fraud won’t go quietly. He’ll bluster and lie up to the very end if not longer. I get that. His mentally ill, violent cult is in the minority. Still, they’re dangerous, reckless and alarmingly bin-brained.

Now is an excellent time to shelter in place; to watch light teevee, read amusing flights of fancy and focus on my PT exercises. Also too, Coco

All pics found during my ongoing, distratifying camera cleanse. 


  1. Posted this over at Ten's blog this mo(u)rning. Depressing, but worth the read...

    1. Scary and depressing. Thank you for the link though.
