Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Do I Really Need To Know This?

My brain feels like a sheet of pastel paper that’s lost its tooth. I’ve one hell of a time embedding new info.

Fer instance, I don’t think I should have to keep up with all the new slang. I’m 62 damned years old AND we’re in the middle of a fucking pandemic, a republican coup attempt, ongoing environmental decimation and, oh yeah, my health is for shit. This, latest, recovery couldn’t move more slowly on a bet.

But back to slang, I’m forever having to google terms such as:

Cuck – its root, FYI, is in the word cuckold, the term for a man whose wife has an affair. See Christian-for-Profit-and-Power Jerry Falwell Jr.   

Interestingly, to me anyway, the word cuckold comes from the nasty habits of some breeds of Cuckoo bird.

The cuckoo bird is a brood parasite, meaning it takes advantage of other birds’ nests to lay its eggs, tricking the “cuckolded,” non-cuckoo bird into raising their young. Usually, the cuckoo hatches sooner and grows faster than its “brood mates,” often forcing them out of the nest to their deaths.

“Cuckold” is an older word than I expected, dating to the mid-13th century, formed from Old French cocu “cuckoo” and -ault, a pejorative suffix…(source)

In mentally unenvolved republican (redundant, I know) circles, cuck translates as “a submissive and weak beta male — a failure of a man.”

OK, whatevs. Those freaks calling anyone else a cuck just strikes me as more of the standard rightwing idiot projection game – the theoretical adult version of “I know you are but what am I?

Then there’s the acronym TERF which stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. ’the fuck’s that?

…an advocate of radical feminism who believes that a trans woman’s gender identity is not legitimate and who is hostile to the inclusion of trans people and gender-diverse people in the feminist movement. (source)

One big example of this was the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, the (mostly lesbian) feminist music and arts fest. You could only attend or sell your wares there if you came outta mum’s baby chute female. If you didn’t actually grow up in a girl bod, you were banned by Michfest’s sponsors (unless, of course, you stayed fully closeted).

TERFs want you to believe the women who attend Michfest — you know, those average lesbian feminists — don’t want or accept trans women as “real” women, don’t feel safe around trans women, and certainly don’t want to share their “sacred space” with them.

All of that is bullshit.
I use the past tense because the fest shut down, supposedly, over the sponsor's staunch TERFitude – they wouldn’t bend on their you-had-to be-born-with-ovaries rule. I’ve also read that the root of Michfest’s demise was financial. Attendance was way down and the backers weren’t making enough money off it. //shrugs//

I see the all capped GOAT and wonder, are we talking about the cute, playful farm animal or odious old men (i.e., you’re just a smelly old goat!). Nope, it’s another acronym which stands for Greatest Of All Time. 

 Huh, is my vocab truly enhanced by any of these? Dunno. I think I can take a pass.

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