Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sparkling Schadenfreude

Is #DiaperDon and his comically incompetent lawyer, Rudy yes-I’m-a-criminally-stupid-piece-of-shit Giuliani’s stone buffoonery done purposefully to distract us from crimes committed and/or attempted on their way out the WH door?

And what crimes are they trying to pull off before they’re kicked to the curb, abjured by decent (or “decent-ISH") society, newly powerless, possibly unemployable and, if there’s any justice, relocated to individual, arctic islands without tools, food or shelter. Yeah, THAT’S a reality teevee survival show I’d watch!

Imagine Betsy DeVos having to catch, filet and cook her own whitefish. Hell, I can’t feature her knowing how to make a camp fire. That's what servants are for, dammit. I can hear her obliviously yelling, WHERE are the servants?!

With no money or other humans on his frozen island, who will Mnuchin be able to screw over? Also, how can he attract brainless, money grubbing bimbos without buckos, power or a government jet at his beck and call?

Who will waterboarding enthusiast and all around giant racist asshole, Pompeo discriminate against?

With no other people on his ice covered archipelago, and certainly NO children, whose blood will Stephen Miller drink?

Who will Bullshit Barbie “advise”? At what big, important jobs will her equally dimwitted and criminal sperm donor, Jar Jar, fail?

Whose ass will Dense Pence lick if he’s alone on a floating acre of permafrost? Whose lies will he encourage and repeat?

Will fellow ass-licker little Marco Rubio have a bible to cherry pick in his icy isolation? I don’t believe, even if he was permitted a telefonino, he’ll have the wifi to tweet his out of context, perspective devoid, grifting and unconstitutional bible quotes.

To whom will Amy Covid Barrett spread the Republican Plague?

Will #DiaperDon have to change his own Depends or will a much too kind otter swim ashore and yank them off? Nah, unlike Republicans, otters have standards.

 Schadenfreude is so nutritious.
~ Will Self


  1. Don't care where they go, as long as they're stripped, of everything: from car keys to credit cards; cell phones, citizenship, clothes, and marched naked down Fifth Avenue to whatever old oil tanker could be found to take them there. Though the thought of the Arctic islands pains me, having visited one or two, they remain among the few remaining pristine places on this the only ball of rock we know of we can live on. I'm thinking a reservation in the Olduvai Gorge, Australian Outback or Patagonia more appropriate.

    1. I just want them alone, cold (really cold) and far, far away from possible assistance. The lot of them.
