Friday, December 18, 2020

33 Days

 I’m just so damn tired.
Many's the time I've been mistaken,
And many times confused
And I've often felt forsaken,
And certainly misused.
But it's all right, it's all right,
I'm just weary to my bones.

American TunePaul Simon
Biden/Harris will be inaugurated in 33 days. Yes, I know the Tangerine Treasonweasel won’t leave the stage with dignity, decency or intelligence. Of course he won’t – he’s not and never has been, in possession of any of those qualities.

A post at Slate suggests he’ll set up a shadow presidency down in Florida.

A shadow presidency...will allow him to continue play-acting as a wrongfully deposed leader, forced by a "rigged election" to flee to Florida, where he'll continue to lament how unfairly he's been treated. He'll sign fake executive orders condemning actions by the Biden White House. He'll hold press conferences, rallies and maybe even State of the Union addresses — cut-rate imitations of all the things he'd normally do as president. (source)

I wonder how his rich neighbors down there will react – not warmly, I expect.  

I hope to Baby Yoda that the press can break their addiction and stop covering every move the Orange Asswipe makes. STARVE that monster of the attention he craves like oxygen. Me? I won't click on any Trump related link and that's that. The entire crime family and friends need to disappear into Hell where they belong.

I keep thinking his rabid rubes will get bored with his unending I'm-the-REAL-victim and it’s-all-about-ME schtick. I mean, honestly now, how much of this woe-is-me rich boy, s
ad sack bullshit can even the most devoted and empathetic of Klansmen tolerate?  Possibly they might even notice that, after four years, they’re poorer, sicker and NOT doing better than their neighbors. Nope, reality has no hope of reaching these brain damaged cultist suckers.

While Rabidly Dim Don’s been, amongst other things, ignoring the preventable deaths of 311,000 Americans, his buddy Putin’s pulled off the hack job of all time.

I know that I should be reading all I can about the long-running, (since March of this year) and significant infiltration of the Treasury and Commerce departments as well as other agencies but I am SO damn tired.

A GeekWire post (found over at Ten’s place) tells me that Microsoft is on the job.
Through four steps over four days, Microsoft flexed the muscle of its legal team and its control of the Windows operating system to nearly obliterate the actions of some of the most sophisticated offensive hackers out there. In this case, the adversary is believed to be APT29,  aka Cozy Bear, the group many believe to be associated with Russian intelligence, and best known for carrying out the 2016 hack against the Democratic National Committee (DNC). (source)

I'm looking forward to days on end where the morning news  brings me uplifting shit like the story of the release of the 300 boys abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria. Or how Deb Haaland – a member of the Laguna Pueblo tribe, has been nominated to serve as Cabinet secretary and head of the Department of Interior. OR the NEW Star Wars series! Yeah babies, I'm up for some good news.

Still, tomorrow's gonna be another working day
And I'm trying to get some rest,
That's all, I'm trying to get some rest.

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