Wednesday, December 23, 2020


I’m doomscrolling WAY less lately, focusing instead on adorable pet vids (thank the little baby Bast for The Dodo!) and art. Between the ongoing seditious Republican bullshit, Plague45 (more than 323,000 Americans needlessly dead) and my crap health (I've been seizure-free for 13 whole days now!), my ability to truly concentrate is shattered, shattered.

In addition to the happy, silly, pet vids, I'm deeply grateful for soft, pastel frosted, sugar cookies. 

and Coco – World's BEST cat!

In a slim 28 days, Biden and Harris will be sworn in. The horror show of the last four years won’t be over – SO much repair work to do – but Fuck-Face von Full-Diaper-Load will be out of office. The criminal insanity volume will be lowered despite those shitheelian congressdolts who rode 45’s poo-stained coattails into office. Each and every one of these incompetent freaks need to be roundly ridiculed every damn time they open their spittle-flecked gobs to spew another grotesquely pandering, crazy headed trumpian lie.

IF Warnock AND Ossoff triumph over the blatantly sleazoid and corrupt Perdue and Loeffler, clean up on aisle America will be somewhat less of a fraught struggle. Deposing Mitch the Abominable Party-and-Wealth-Over-Country Asswipe is so very, veddy key.

Know what else I'm grateful for? Ten's MOST awesome breakfast burritos. If I was even nominally foodie-ish, I could tell you what's in it (besides eggs and vegan sausage) that makes it so swoon inspiring...but I can't

Yesterday I went for a teensy weensy walk – just one block.  It was the first time I've been out in a couple weeks or more. I did OK – no falls. Granted, Ten was there to steady me if I start to pitch over. Today I'll try to take a slightly longer jaunt plus more PT exercises. I seem to be (this is official now!), back on the recovery train. If I can manage not to cough my way into more pulled muscles and avoid more 2AM seizures, I might actually be ready to wander around Berlin neighborhoods by next autumn. Traveling again – that'd be SO cool.

I just realized, the closer we get to January 20th, Inauguration Day, the more hopeful and calm I feel. The constant, flying horseshit of the Treasonweasel years will be over. Sure, crazy crap will still go airborne but significantly less often. The U.S. won't hold the bag for quite as much of the world's ugliness anymore. I'm starting to unclench and take deeper breaths – NOT in the chill zone yet but that'll come. Oh yes it will!

The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.
~ Jules Renard


  1. Dec 19 post - your command of written English is phenomenal. I am always amused by your colorful descriptions, crafty word play and inspired invented words. No need for concern about foreign languages, your mastery of English is beyond most mortals.

    I find lots of amusing cat photos on this site: Can I Has Cheezburger

    Does Coco ask for play time? My 4-yr old girls expect a cardio workout at 9pm every night. So purrsistent they are.

    1. THANK YOU Pam!

      I'll check the Cheezburger site out. Pet videos are wonderful mood boosters.

      Coco likes to play but not as much as she used to – she's a teenager now and more interested in pats, laps and skritches. Also treats. Lately, he "Get up and pat me NOW" time is 1AM. Good yhing she's so damned adorable!
