Monday, December 28, 2020


These are things that have counted as exercise and/or physical therapy in 2020:

  • Rolling over in bed without blowing out my chest and back muscles. There’s an actual technique (HONEST!) AND this takes a shit-ton more energy than you healthy people think!
  • Sitting up in bed from a full flat position WHILE a small yet absurdly dense cat is sprawled across your chest. My first impulse (yours too possibly) is to use back and chest muscles. Wrong. Pull strength from your stomach and try for a rolling kip.
  • Standing up after sitting in a chair. First, I should NEVA sit for more than an hour. Why? Newton's First Law of Motion – an object at rest stays at rest…etc.
  • Walking up or down the stairs. This is strength building but also counts as physical therapy for my wonk-ass balance.
  • Standing while putting on clothes – particularly pants. Again – strength and balance.
  • Cleaning out Coco’s litter box. There’s bending, a little stretching and lifting.
  • Showering – there’s lifting, bending, balance focus and stretching (those legs and pits ain’t gonna swab themselves, ya know).
  • Walking three small blocks without toppling over, (my peak this year was eight but I only reached that height once). This is, of course, exercise AND advanced level balance PT. I need to keep my eyes forward, focused on the horizon and NOT be distracted by every cool dandelion, crocus, pile of snow, passing kitten, flashing wave or stray, possibly maskless, human walking nearby. I don’t have intact balance nerves so vision is where I get my equilibrium. Walking takes a lot of laser focused concentration. dammit.
  • Two minutes on the elliptical every other day. YES, this is something. In 2019 I was doing 45 minutes to an hour five days out of seven. After 2020’s brain surgery and before August’s spine slice I’d worked back up to 30 minutes. Just FYI and shit, spine surgery, pulled muscles and elephantine levels of anti seizure meds are motherfuckers.
  • Changing the sheets on the bed. FUCK me, mes amis. This has got EVERY-damn-thing goin’ on – balance, bending, stretching, lifting. It’s my goal for today. If I can do the fitted sheet, Imma call it a win.

 Do I have other goals for today beyond this? Other exercise and PT? LOOK, what do you want from me? I’ve just about survived this hellish, freakazoid, stupid year – is THAT not enough!? OK, OK. I WILL engage in some doodling, reading and being Coco’s doormat. Happy now!?

Last night, before sacking out, I confessed a deep desire to Ten.

Once it’s safe to eat in restaurants again, I want to get brekkie out. Specifically, at this astoundingly fab joint I know of. It’s in Berlin though – been there once on my own and once with Jen, Della and family. Planning will be necessary //shudder//. There’s another good breakfast place I know of, in Reykjavík, but the service is pretty slow. Ten sez he doesn’t mind.

As long as I have coffee I’ll be fine.


  1. I guess I'm lucky. I'm nearing 73 and can still do two hours of Tong Bei + Power Yoga at least four times per week. Not sure how this came to be. As a young child, I was overweight and addicted to sugar and basically did little hard exercise. But somewhere along the trail, I discovered that athletes got more attention, than the bookish kind of youngster than had previously walked in my shoes. I've also been lucky not to have had many health issues beyond high blood pressure (yes I take meds). I think what I'm saying is that life is unfair, the jocks enjoy the admiration of the rest of society, the bookish have a far better vocabulary and understanding of reality. I'm guessing it's not a close call as to where I belong (probably for you as well), as luck would have it...

    We can all have a good cuppa Joe come January 20th. I'm looking forward to it...

    1. I had to look up Tong Bei – so cool and I'm obscenely envious! I could probably do chair yoga and, MAYBE – after I'm off the Keppra – some simple Thai Chi. I wonder if the chair based yoga would help counter some of Keppra's equilibrium bashing side effects. Must look into this.

  2. My wife who has been on Keppra for a number of years now, does Yoga. She is more into the stretching and meditation aspect than me, but she still gets a good workout. When the pandemic is in the rear view window take a gentle Yoga class. Its an excellent way to get started...
