Saturday, December 12, 2020

It’s All About the Benjamins

It always is, eh?

The Supreme Court threw out Texas’s horrifically dimwitted, screw-the-Constitution-and-other-States’-Rights lawsuit.

The Texas Attorney General, Ken I'm -a-criminal Paxton who brought the abso-ridiculous, ignorant suit was indicted on felony securities fraud charges five years ago. Why his case has still not gone to trial is beyond my ken BUT, it seems obvs, this obscene attempt to subvert both reality and justice was all a naked attempt to buy a pardon before 45 is no more than burnt toast.

Frankly, since Paxton’s elaborate stunt failed, I’ll be surprised if Treasonweasel Trump even remembers the dude’s name, let alone grants him a pardon. 45's all mob boss-ish like that – deliver or I don't know you.

126 Republican House reps stood up to support this transparent attempt to destroy democracy. 64% of the Republican House support the murder of U.S. citizens' rights.

Raw Story has a great post up.

Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ) argued on Friday that the 126 Republicans seeking to overturn election results should not be seated in Congress.
Why? Section 3 of the Constitution's 14th amendment.
Stated simply, men and women who would act to tear the United States government apart cannot serve as Members of the Congress. These lawsuits seeking to obliterate public confidence in our democratic system by invalidating the clear results of the 2020 presidential election undoubtedly attack the text and spirit of the Constitution, which each Member swears to support and defend,” (source)
YEAH babies, THIS!

Why’d these miscreants decide that taking a big ol' dump on the Constitution was a smart move? To keep fleecing Trump’s rube base. I only mention it BUT I very much doubt there’s a lot of buckos left over after the Orange Menace is done duping and swindling his marks.

Just FYI:

When one tries to donate (to Trump), they are automatically opted into a recurring weekly donation (again written in small print). This story, and the donor, seem to be the gift that keeps on giving.

But if you scroll down, past the information about the “Left-wing MOB” trying to “undermine our election”, you’ll see some fine print. On Trump’s personal fund, it dictates that of all donations raised, only 50% will go towards a recount effort, and that “50% of each contribution, up to a maximum of $2,800 ($5,000), [will] be designated toward DJTFP’s 2020 general election account for general election debt retirement until such debt is retired”. (source)

And, just in case you’re not at peak horrification with the Trumpublican Anti-Life Brigade, there were 2,951 fresh Plague45 deaths yesterday. Yep, yesterday ALONE, while the Republi-stupid party was busy pledging fealty to a two bit, spray tanned, incompetent mobster, 280,514 U.S citizens fell ill with the Trump “hoax.” We’re closing in on 300,000 dead Americans.

Just FYI and shit:
4,435 service members died in the Revolution that brought this country into being.
90,220 Americans were killed in the Vietnam war.
116,516 in World War I. (source)

How soon before we hit
World War II numbers (405,399)?
Civil War (750,000)? (source)

2,977 people died on 9/11 – we approach or surpass that number EVERY SINGLE DAY due to the Death Cult party’s incompetence.


  1. World War II numbers (405,399)

    And remember, that took four years. The Trumpandemic has killed three-quarters that number in less than one year.

    1. His one and only talent unleashed – stratospheric, world destroying incompetence.
