Thursday, December 31, 2020

Picture Day

Jim Dine Hearts in Montreal
I often do a year end wrap-up. – a stroll though the events and posts of the past year. This last motherfucking spin around the sun was wickedly challenging for us all. I’ve no desire to plumb the depths, to revisit the crimes, cruelties and idiocies of this past year of Trumpublican insanity. I also don’t need to, right now, look back on my year of Herculean health struggles. Nope. I’m just thrilled to bitty bits that I survived it. I'm focusing on recovery, building strength, balance and fucking fortitude. Yup.

Other things to be happy as hell about?

  • Daddy and Oni both survived Plague45.
  • Though there’s less of it, I still have work.
  • Ten is here with me and healthy. He’s my superhero. Jen and Oni too.
  • Nurse Coco – best kitten EVAH!
  • I love where I live – it’s beautiful and the alt-right, fascist, dumbfuck whackaloons are in the minority.


  • Trump LOST.

So then, in lieu of a look back on the latest, hellish 12 months, let’s look at some random pics from previous, less horror show fraught years. K?

Shells in the surf

Greenland, as seen on the way home from Iceland

Oregon's Painted Hills
Something volcanic and wicked cool in Oregon
Sidewalk heart stain

Dawn at Home 


  1. I've been to the Painted Hills a number of times, though not recently. Such magnificent country, but then again it is in Oregon. Not saying we have a lock on scenic views, but the views that exist were more than enough to keep me a permanent resident. Oh, and the fishing too...

    1. I totally fell in love with Oregon. The only place, I *think*, we didn't get to on the Blow Donna's Mind Tour was the coast. Must go back!

  2. Happy New Year, friend! Better days ahead.

    1. to you too, Lori! And now this tune's in my head :-)

      I've got to admit it's getting better (better)
      A little better all the time (it can't get no worse)
