Friday, December 25, 2020

So This Is Christmas

And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong

~ John Lennon

Various sites are already posting year end reviews. Dave Barry at the Miami Herald put it best:

We’re trying to think of something nice to say about 2020.
OK, here goes: Nobody got killed by the murder hornets. As far as we know.
That’s pretty much it.

Frankly, I have no desire to revisit the events of these past 12 months. Also, reviewing now when there are still six days left to this year? Doesn’t that seem like getting all up in Fate’s grill, shouting NAH, NAH, NE NAH, NAH?!

Do we RILLY want to tempt the gods into raining down more, extra special added horrors such as:

  • Bubonic Plague, jealous of all the attention Plague45 is getting, stages a comeback. Humanity’s fucked.
  • Desperate and Delusional Don, in a last, petulant fuck you to America, nukes Iran. Hilarity does NOT ensue.
  • Martians invade. Why? Either to blow up the planet so’s they have an unobstructed view of Venus OR to save this lovely planet from its catastrophically destructive humanity infestation.
  • Despite my mega upped meds, this old, banjaxed bod 'o' mine decides another batch of seizures is just a SWELL idea. This here’s a three-parter.
  1. Seizures are scary as fuck. I lose all control of my physical self. The shaking begins in my left foot, travels slowly, like an alien invader, up my leg, moves into my torso, my left arm, neck, my head and IF I’m lucky, I lose consciousness. I don’t have to deal – be strong and calm anymore.
  2. Being in the ER is scary. Despite everyone being masked up, will I somehow catch COVID?
  3. Will this be the big one where the medics decide slicing me open NOW is imperative?

As you know, I have a quite the inventive bean and can fully, vividly imagine each and every one of these scenarios playing out.

Now then, I DO know that shit’s not going to automatically be ALL better once we reach January 1, 2021 OR even January 20th (26 days until we kick the Treason Crime Cartel to the curb!) but things will start getting better.


This whole Santa Claus thing just doesn't make sense. Why all the secrecy? Why all the mystery?
If the guy exists why doesn't he ever show himself and prove it?
And if he doesn't exist what's the meaning of all this?

I dunno. Isn't this a religious holiday?
Yeah, but actually, I've got the same questions about God.
~ Bill Watterson

So – Happy Christmas if you celebrate and I hope you have a wonderfully fun, joyous day with good food, books and flicks. Also Kwanzaa begins tomorrow – Happy Kwanzaa!


  1. Merry Christmas!
    And best wishes for the next year - and beyond!!!

    I'm not a believer, but I do love Christmas season.
    Forty years ago, I worked in retail as a part-time Customer Service Representative.
    One year of HS, and five in college.
    From Black Friday, to the day after New Year's Day, life was...
    Especially the day after Christmas!
    So after going through THAT, for me to still like Christmas, I guess makes me a "Cockeyed Optimist*" :-)
    Either that, or I'm insane - a much more likely prognosis!

    *From my favorite musical: "South Pacific."


    1. OOF! Glad I never worked retail AND that you no longer do. :-)

      While I, generally, hate musicals – South Pacific was one I liked. This, I imagine, had much to do with my freshman (college) solfeggio teacher using tunes from the show as illustrations and mnemonics for difficult intervals (Bali Hai=major 7th).

      Being a cockeyed optimist is a better way to live than the reverse!
