Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Post where Donna spills ALL the Xmas beans

I’ve been taunting Jen, as is my wont, saying I’m not telling you what I got you for Christmas but yur gonna love it! Yeah, I’m a bit twat-ish but you all knew that already.

To correct my childish and obnoxious behavior…OK, OK, slightly ameliorate, to some weensy degree, I’ve made her a list of possibilities from which she can guess. This ALSO gives me the opportunity to put in a last minute rush order should she swoon dreamily over something from the list.

1) An ostrich, maybe two because I wouldn’t want Zelda to get lonely. I believe, given time, Skitter, Coco, Umlaut, Zelda and F. Scott (that’ll be Zelda’s boy-toy’s name) will get on famously. While we don’t have a lot of roaming room here in Valhalla, Zelda and F. Scott could have the side yard as their boudoir and zoom up and down the seawall and beach for exercise. Yes, I believe they’ll be happy here.

2) This next one would actually be a prezzie for the four of us. A saltwater and solar fueled eco-warrior submarine. We’ll zip around the ocean sabotaging drilling operations, banjaxing industrial, bottom trawling fishers and totally fucking with seafaring polluters.
3) A team of tap dancing tarantulas. While we’re all stuck inside, waiting for the fuckwadian Republican Death Demon to pass over our homes, don’cha think a little entertainment is in order! I hear tell the spiders look RILLY hot in their sequined, spandex outfits and spangly heels.

4) Fuzzy dice earrings because, c’mon, who doesn’t need fuzzy dice earrings?

5) 20 sessions with the world’s only squid therapist. What brand of therapy is this? Well, squid have three hearts, mega complex brains AND some squid are bioluminescent! So, stands to reason that they’d make hella shrinks, right? Doctor Cephalopod must be a great listener, dispensing brill, enlightening (heh, see what I did there?) wisdom.

C’mon, you KNOW I’m right!

It’s conceivable that Jen won’t believe that any of these are actually in her holiday gift bag. Hmmph. Maybe I could tell her that I bought enough Valium to get us all through the remaining long months of winter and, more urgently, through the final 31 days and change of Jabba the Criminally Incompetent Moron’s badministration.

Yeah, that one’s a gift for all of us. On that note, here're a coupla quotes that crossed my path.

Be cheerful while you’re alive.

~ Ptahhotep

Sheee-it, I don’t gotta be anything but me, straight off-the-rack, baby! Having said that not being depressed, tense, nervous and cranky while I’m still breathing and able to sit up and take nourishment sounds like a good scheme.

This, naturally, gets back to the Xmas Valium, doesn’t it?

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

~ Elbert Hubbard 

 Like I’d get out of it alive otherwise? Duuuuuude, I don’t think you’ve thought this through completely. Try again.

OK, happy Sunday. Watch out for all those sneaky ice patches and WEAR A GODDAMN MASK!


  1. I hear tell the spiders look RILLY hot in their sequined, spandex outfits and spangly heels

    At eight legs each, that's a heck of a lot of heels.

    1. FYI, it only takes a few tarantulas to kick it up like the Rockettes. The tiny costumes and heels are hard to come by but, ultimately, tarantulas are a money-saver.
