Sunday, December 6, 2020


As I write this there are 45 days and two hours until Biden is inaugurated. Will we all make it? No. While the blustering, bullshit spewing, grifter in chief spread his signature narcissistic, abusive and insane lies last night in Georgia, 2,190 more Americans died from the virus he and his Renfieldian Republi/Fascists let loose across the country.

Here in Massachusetts yesterday there were another 5,619 cases, 1,428 hospitalizations and 43 deaths. We now have more new COVID cases per capita than California, Florida, or Texas.

What’s our dipshit Republican governor doing about that? Nada. Zip. Fuck-all. He has no plan to roll back the state’s open-for-biz status so the spread slows BUT he’s “concerned.” Someone should clue the boy in that Susan Collins is NOT a laudable role model.

This keeps up, old Charlie’s gonna steal his pal Ron DeathSantis’s Death Cult King title.

Incredibly, astoundingly even, the White House, the incompetent, If we stopped testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any White-fucking-House thinks Baker should reconsider.

According to a recent briefing document obtained by ABC News, the federal task force told Massachusetts officials to “consider rolling back a step in the state reopening plan as a whole and not just in high-risk areas,” as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to rise. (source)
I’ve had a body-racking cough since yesterday. I mean, seriously mes amis, my chest and back hurt like Hades this morning from the tortuous hack-a-thons. Could I have Plague45? Extremely doubtful. I don’t even go to the grocery, where masks are required. I only see Jen, Oni and Ten and masks are necessary to enter the only places they go, (work, pharmacy and food store).

So, what the actual fucking fuck?

After you find out all the things that can go wrong, your life becomes less about living and more about waiting.
~ Chuck Palahniuk, Choke
I’m waiting for that greasy, treasonous, orange warthog to be done and OUT of our house. I’m waiting for the Republi/Fascist party to grow a pair and stop genuflecting to him, his crime family and their stuningly stupid base. I’m waiting for today’s news on my father, who now has the Trumpublican Plague.
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.
~ Theodore Parker

Does it though? Or do we nasty-ass humans just keep finding new, sneakier ways to screw over all those with whom we share this spinning, living ball of wonder?

People who don’t expect justice don’t have to suffer disappointment.
~ Isaac Asimov
Can’t say that I agree. Or perhaps, though I don’t necessarily expect justice, I hope for it. I’m 62 and despite a lifetime of witnessing the lengths to which the shamelessly greedheaded Republican Party will go to in order to deny us dignity and our
Constitutionally guaranteed rights, I still hope. And am continually disappointed.
Justice is a fading light.
~ Sheryl Crow

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