Saturday, January 2, 2021

Caturday with a New Friend

First – as you may already know, Jen’s sweet girl Skitter is extremely introverted. Her besties, besides Jen, are her stuffed bunnies, mice and other assorted toys. 

Second – One of Jen’s Christmas prezzies was a totally adorbs, plush toy Grogu (AKA Baby Yoda). She loves it – of course she does! Who wouldn’t? 

I’ll tell ya who – viciously heartless, self-absorbed, shitheelian puke monsters, THAT’S who! (a number of Republi/Fascists  spring immediately to mind, natch.)

Jen, by the by, is a goddamned saint, not unlike Saint Gertrude of of Nivelles. As is WIDELY known (right?), Gertrude started as the patron saint of travelers, gardeners, the recently croaked (if you believe in an afterlife, death, like life, is a journey. Travel...dig?) AND the mentally ill. (This puts Jen on the payroll as MY specific heavenly advocate. Just FYI and shit.) N.B., Gertie was NOT the Catholic cat PAC queen – not until the 1980s anyway. That's more than 300 years post-canonization. Wut the fuck's up with that shit?

Looks to be, mebbe, a long convoluted story from the Metropolitan Museum of Art which MAY all come down to a brill sales scheme out of the museum shop’s marketing department. Dunno but there’s def evidence here of marketing’s magical powers over people and, YES, huge organizations. Now gift shops at midwestern archabbeys carry pendants of Saint Gertrude with cats (but NOT gardeners or crazy people). That's some spectacularly effective Jedi marketing, ya know?

An aside: Abbeys have gift shops? I suppose if Hell can have one, so can a monk house.

In any case, I figured Skitter and Grogu would get on famously. I wuz wrong. There’s still hope that she’ll warm up to him in time. It seems to be happening already – at least to some small degree.

The more cats you have, the longer you live. If you have a hundred cats, you’ll live ten times longer than if you have ten. Someday this will be discovered, and people will have a thousand cats and live forever.
~ Charles Bukowski, On Cats

"Who the fuck are you and WHAT are you doing on my bed?!"

"These are MY stuffed animals, MY friends and you can't play with them!"

"What are YOU staring at? Grogu's my new pal AND he's keeping my ass warm. BACK OFF!"


  1. ( ... but NOT gardeners or crazy people ... ) or "travelers" 😎

    Given baby Yoda's dietary predilections, prudence is probably in order.

    1. emmm, we should probably warn Jen about the potential snacking-on-Skitter problem. Nah, it'll be alright. Skitter's too big, won't fit in Baby Y's mouth. I hope.
