Friday, January 29, 2021

Dynamite with a laser beam

Holocaust Remembrance Day was this past Wednesday. This is the day that Auschwitz/Birkenau was liberated in 1945. I was there, by chance, on the 50th anniversary. It’s now been 76 years since the absolute horror was discovered.

Meanwhile, here in the U.S., home of the free (as long as you’re white, 'christian,' male and not poor), the House Minority Leader is in the running for most imbecilic, entry level Fascist ever. How? By sucking up to the haterific, loser, dictator-wannabe ex-prez. Yeah, the one who incited an attempt to destroy democracy and murder his 'enemies.'  

Kevin dear, your desperately cold-blooded barbarism is showing.

Kevy-boy is SO fucking dim (perhaps this is his first try at subverting a government?) that he assigned the totally out and proud, deranged lunatic, Marjorie Murdered-Children-are-a-False-Flag Greene to the House Committee on Education and Labor. Did he think we wouldn't notice?

"What could they be thinking?" Pelosi told reporters. "Or is 'thinking' too generous a word for what they may be doing?" (source)

I want to laugh – she is so over the top ridiculous BUT people voted for her. Our fellow Americans thought she’d make a fine congresscritter – a representative of the people. 

It’s said that Greene ran unopposed. Ya know why that is? Through her Trump-on-steroids hate, outrageous lies and justifications for murder, she forced her opponent out of the race and, fearing for his and his family’s lives, out of the state. Like Colorado’s grifter idiot, Boebert, Greene is all about paranoid hysteria, guns and FREEDUMB. That and death to all who disagree or fail to kiss her bleach blond ass. 

Greene’s most recently unearthed racist bullshit is actually pretty hilarious – unlike her other obscene grotesqueries. She’s claimed that a Jewish space laser was responsible for California’s 2018 devastating fires. Yes. Really.

So...OMG, Jews have space lasers? I did NOT know this. I simply MUST ask Hillel all about this TODAY. I have questions, of course.

  • Can the laser be fired up and used on the high holidays? If not, doesn’t that leave a rather gaping hole in the whole aura of invulnerable über-powerfulness. It’s kinda like the thermal exhaust port on the Death Star, if ya ask me.
  • Can others, besides the rabbi shoot the laser? Does this depend on whether your congregation is Orthodox, Conservative or Reform?
  • Is the space laser kosher? Passover’s coming up, ya know.
  • Is there a blessing or prayer said before lasering a coastline full of trees? Is it only the rabbi who can offer the blessing? Can a cantor or a shamash do the prayer and shoot?
  • Do you need a quorum?
  • Does Mel Brooks have anything to do with this?

Maybe most importantly, WHY has Hillel never told me about this before?! Jesus light-saber Christ, this is important shit. We’ve been chums for close to 40 years now and he couldn’t share this with me? That's just callously rude. I’m hurt.

Oh but wait – Ten and Jen have suggested that Hillel is possibly a big going concern in the space laser racket AND has probably signed a confidentiality agreement. I can imagine there was a strict rider to the tune of DO NOT tell yur pal Donna – she is such a blabbermouth. I mean, have you read her damn blog?!

OK, yeah. I’m a security risk – I get it.

Killer Queen – Queen


  1. I tried. Believe me, I tried. It was hard enough to get an appointment with the International Yiddishe Cabal. The advent of social media has added whole new layers to their control of global media, so those guys are busy making sure they pull all the strings at, well, you know, THOSE companies, to say nothing of infiltrating Qanon and “arranging” elections (if you know what I mean). Keeping peace with my buddy is not high on their list of priorities.

    So anyway, now that the secret is out, I might as well tell you – it’s all true, but like with everything in the Jewish world, it’s not as easy as you might think. The Orthodox think it’s a mitzvah to save the goyim from themselves, the Reform might as well be goyim for this purpose, and the Conservative want to follow the halacha, but interpret it for the modern day. Making a decision about whom to vaporize and when is…problematic (though I think we’re all in agreement about those guys who drive around cranking so much bass that three cars in every direction vibrate). We try to use our powers for good, really we do. The 2004 Red Sox? That was us. So was most of the golden age of Hollywood. Greta Thunberg is an honorary member (it was Goldberg before her family moved to Sweden).

    Listen, we try to keep this stuff under our yarmulkes, so don’t go blabbing about it on your blog, ok? The folks who read you are definitely not the sort who we want asking any questions.

    Shabbat shalom.


      also, please inform the International Yiddishe Cabal that I have needs too, ya know. They include knowing what the fuck you're up to especially when it's fun stuff like this.

      and shabbat shalom right back atcha!

    2. So if the laser has been blessed by a rabbi the fires are kosher?

    3. I think...maybe? Must consult with our local cabal rep.
