Tuesday, January 5, 2021


15 days until the mango shitgibbon is kicked to the curb and counting.

I read that whiny-ass, delusional, sore loser boy has plans to fly, t
he day before Biden’s inauguration, to Scotland, to his financially flailing golf course/resort. I doubt he’ll be out on the links as Scotland’s usual winter weather is more like Boston than Florida.

Also too, as of today, Scotland’s in extra special, double-plus lockdown.

Tough new lockdown restrictions forbidding people from leaving home for non-essential reasons have come into force across the Scottish mainland.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the clampdown was necessary to contain the spread of the new strain of Covid-19. 

People are now required by law to stay in their homes and to work from home.

Outdoor gatherings have been restricted to one-on-one meet-ups, and schools will close to most pupils until February at the earliest. (source)

According to the joint’s own website :

Due to Governement (sic) mandates, Trump Turnberry and all amenities and services will be closed immediately. To ensure the health and safety of our guests and associates, we have made the difficult decision to remain closed until Friday 5th February 2021. We continue to accept reservations for future dates.

Will ex prez Treasonweasel von Stupid-head wanna stick around if it’s chilly on the course AND he can’t have his omelette station or be, otherwise, waited on tiny hand and fat foot? 

I only mention it but the UK has a long standing extradition treaty with the US. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, does not. Winter temps are much warmer there AND it’s home to more than a few golf courses (none owned by the Tangerine Twit though . How much ya wanna bet Dirtbag Don is gonna spend one night in Scotland – resting after his long lux flight – before flying off (his last on our dime) for his buddy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s digs? 

Frankly, as long as he vanishes from Twitter, etc., I’d be happy as hell for him to be out of this country, living in exile. Coupla things though:

  • He’s gotta take the rest of his scumbag family (INCLUDING Junior’s screaming girlfriend) and Stephen Miller with him.
  • ALL of his and Jar Jar’s properties need to be seized and sold at auction. The proceeds go to all the separated families, children locked in cages, COVID survivors, Planned Parenthood and Natural Resources Defense Council.
OK, I’m done ranting for today. Thank you for listening.

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